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Posts posted by skill3r

  1. Hello all,

    wts  cheap adena on L2Era.com
    current stock 5b+


    Accepting payment by paypal

    Fast deliviry 2-5 min.

    You can check my vouches in my signature.
    With every transaction I give a nice gift.
    if u are interested pm here or at skype: ivstavrev (j0NZEE)


  2. I think you cant message or call contacts that you haven't on your list.At least me cant chat with people who are not on my list..

    in that case maybe you can send him (the notorious) a pm on their forum (link is in the first post) with your skype id so he can add you.i also had to give them a skype call so shitty skype would send the msgs trough.

  3. i was looking for a working bot for tales and ive found this new software.for now it looks allright even tho its still in development (most basic functions are working).they also gave me a free trial so i can test it out and purchase early acesss if i liked it.if someone else is in need of some working program for tales ill leave there infos here.

    Supported Lineage 2 Chronicles: Interlude & High Five
    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 & Windows 10
    Payment Methods: PayPal, Skrill
    Price: 6.99EUR / monthly 

    Skype live:therealronin
    forum http://therealronin.com/

  4. The private servers community chronicle phase is dictated by the emulation projects that are available. At the beginning community was receptive even towards High Five, but with time more and more private projects were being opened on that chronicle, because of l2j's sources becoming more and more stable, with the addition of the forks doing the final touch the community became comfortable with it. This will happen with god+ too, if it's given a chance. It just needs a push. If you feel like it, go with it. Even If you manage to find a way to keep the svn public, I will probably contribute from time to time as of nowaways I find myself reversing the latest chronicles often. Good luck!

  5. you just talk bullshit bro, you dont fucking make packets from air, you use engine functions, maybe they arent exactly hooked from game, and just reside in your program, but thats not from air, so im out, you keep bullshitting someone else

    Ofcourse you can make packets "from air", you don't make them with coal and clay.  I'm simply telling you that knowing the protocol you can craft and parse any packet without hooking up the client's functions that do this for you, yet you still try to argue knowing NOTHING AT ALL. You obviously haven't dealt with this in your life and I have no fucking clue why are you still repeating to me some shit you heard from the grown ups, which you failed to understand and thus the lack of proper arguments. Keep repeating shit like "packet data is irrelevant for l2 bots" and providing argument for this claim "you cannot make it without hooking the client's functions". The existence of guys like you is the reason mxc community sux, 600+ posts of ignorant shit spread all over the place. 

  6. ........ thats enough for me, im done go on create packets from air, and tell me that you dont use game engine functions, to craft them yeah, gl

    That's exactly how my architecture is working and it's doing flawless for some years now, no need of luck here. Maybe i'll release source some day and expand your limited knowledge on this stuff.

  7. You are complite disaster, if you are dumb enough to not understand your own words, 


    let me explain you ! YOU CANT FUCKING MAKE a packet - if you dont know what it is, and the function provide this information(craft it as you said before).

    And if you are now saying that you are not using functions at all, you create packets from air, you are dumb person ! understand that ?

    Packet data is total shit - nothing, without functions that make these data - understand this !

    You are failing to see that there is a deeper level on the communication. Invoking the legacy functions isn't the only way to send the required packets, as you are still stating. Knowing the communication protocol you can inject packets on the stream from wherever. You even don't have to be in the address space of the client. I even used to run a bot on my phone and bot from there. I still do not understand what the hell do you mean by "Packet data is total shit - nothing".

  8. 5173801529_0f3a6be8b8.jpg


    you cant recive RequestAttack Packet from server, the client send it, so your words make no sens, if you tell me you are using only packets ... complit bullshit


    to craft and encrypt you first have to get access to them, so again you seems bullshiting yourself, saying 1 thing and then denying it in other

    I'm really impressed by your ignorance, boy. Let me educate you on the basic principle behind any MMO. The client sends/receives packets and so does the server.  The graphics/sounds/etc.. are eye candy, external stuff. The principle behind any bot is to emulate the packets and that can be done without ever touching the game. You don't have to hook anything. Saying "packet data is useless" is a proof of your complete incompetence on the matter, as packet data is EVERYTHING that is going in. 


    Because you would have to get native functions of engine ! those packets wouldnt be enough!!!


    Of what im talking ? Im trying to explain to that guy - that just packet data is useless you cant bot with it , you have to hook native Functions, like - RequestAttack, or GetNextTarget(Info,PrevID) to acctualy pass Info in RequestAttack Function, that packet data is fckng useless - got that ?(If you rly think thats enough - then go try yourself to bot with that data,and you will see how stupid you acctualy are)


    I actually do have a fully functional highly complex bot using only "useless packet data", you don't have to hook anything in the game. The only thing these functions do is to craft and encrypt the packet so it can be sended, you can do perfectly well without them, but keep trying to look like you know what you are talking about.

  10. ....... 



    the only thing packet sends is position of objects XYZ, these objects are not defined as npc or monster, or player, this objects can be 10000 metres from player - you cant bot using only that data,so you litterlay telling some bullshit...

    Wtf are you guys talking about? You are all so off point. Please stop trying to look competent.

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