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Everything posted by elias90

  1. dld me kamia panagia den ginese hero sto pack tou killer? oso gia to super haste //gmspeed 4
  2. what's the problem ? :(
  3. i maked a server 2 days ago :) but today i have a problem...i put ID and PWD i press log in but the server is down :( how can i {up} my server? ??? ty in advance
  4. kai meta perimenoume na pexoume c3 :(
  5. oxi to system kai olo to client proxtes to katebasa mono gia ton server English Section.
  6. otan bazo to l2 ini den anoigei o client giati? English section.
  7. eleos to patch gia to walker 8eloume re asxete oxi to patch tou tg gia log in :S :'(
  8. exo kai ego to idio problem!!!!! otan bazo to l2.ini bgazei critical eror ekei pou arxizei prin thn maurh o8onh(prin ton kodiko) :( :(
  9. gia na po thn ali8eia to kolpo tou filou sou mou 8umise ton tropo pou borei na se klepsei kapoios me random party 0ax00xa0xa!
  10. lol :P nice ty u! :D
  11. nice :P
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