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About Warmaz0r

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  1. I old e-buyer from items at l2 exiliumword, Pm here or comments at this post if you have something, items, adenas, aa, at l2 exiliumworld.
  2. Skype?
  3. +1 also, recently bought. trustable
  4. send me ur skype by pm and we talk. I leaving server and i still have items.
  5. Hello guys also i selling 20b at innova, for 50euro.. Just contact with paypal verified . If interested pm here with skype to talk. Also selling baium +5, antharas +5, zaken +5, AQ +5, valakas +5 at Netail retail If interested pm me with skype or leave message.
  6. Hello guys, I made a lot trades thanks for maxcheaters so now i selling items at l2 nana x75 have a lot of items. Draco bow +5 sa Set draconic +3 full set tts +3 full I stopped play at nanna. Also have items full char at l2 tales. Skills +30 TH with all sub lv 85 nobless Dual mamba 300 +7 Set jews boss +7 full And more items. Pm here and i give skype to talk. Regards
  7. Hello guys, I selling account +30 full skills with full gear at l2 exilium. Vorpal set light +20 full 120 pvp 2 raid boss weapons +20 300 both pvp with good arguments. (passive pvp p attack and other with m def passive) 1 mamba dagger one hand 300 +20 FULL jews +20 including bbfreya +20 and beleth +20 with no valakas. (Tezza, baium,AQ,antharas,Blessed zaken) all +20 Arguments: Heal active, M def active, refresh, pdef active. Pm here to talk by skype.
  8. still have something at l2 evoke?
  9. Send skype by pm me here.
  10. Hello guys, I selling a lot items at l2 exilium. Char ++ skills full Raid boss jews +20 full set + extra Beleth +20 and BBfreya+20 Armor lv 7 vorpal full +20 attributed light 2 raidboss weapon +20 300 att 1 hand Mamba edge +20 300att Cloak donater white pitch Leave by pm ur skype to talk.
  11. LOL first time i saw a guy writing nick name in the game xoaoxoax
  12. I buying items at l2 tales. I interested at some dagger class wr, th or gh skills ++, armor light lv7 +, dagger + with sa cd elemented 300 and boss jews set full +. Also i have to trade items from l2 exilium, i have a lot items there with char ++ Pm with skype and we talk.
  13. Leave ur skype contact or pm here.
  14. Hello guys, I selling as cd +4 draco set armor +4 3+ 3+ +3 Set tts +4 3+ 3+ +3 +3 And char at with skills ++ at l2 euro pvp. Interested pm me.
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