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  1. WTS: Angel Slayer Tallum Glaive DC r SET Adena Stock - 120kk Donate Coins Stock 1k Pm here for prices or skype:adenaeu or email: arbuziukas1oo@gmail.com
  2. WTS ITEMS AND ADENA ON L2.EU.COM WTS ADENA -3,5E/100kk (stock 1kkk+) WTS ITEMS - TALL H SET/ DC R SET cheap WTS ACCS: NECRO 78lvl with gear (dc r set + walhala) or naked EE - 78LVL with dc r set + homu+4 or naked BH 75 (allmost 76) tall h set or naked PRP 60lvl SE 55lvl Every time i try my best, also you can order some items, maybe i would be able to get it for you Never used any software so everything is legit. Pm here or skype: adenaeu
  3. he scamed me in skelth server Scamer nickname in maxcheaters: MaxRazvan Scamer's Skype: Lightofhope88 Scamer's in game nick : Varrock can't attach here files, screenshots are to big.
  4. WTS LIST: BH - 43 LVL Naked or with eq (composite +war axe+elven jew) left 7days SOLD WL 44 LVL Naked or with eq ( composite + top luxury c pole + elven jew) left 25days SE 41 70% +8wit Naked or with eq (karmian set+cursed maing+elven jew) left 25days Cleric 37 80% Naked or with eq (sage rag + elven jew) part of nickname word "prp" left 0days - SOLD Adena stock 5E/kk20kk+ price atm-SOLD Acc's with emails, or i can change to yours emails Never used any 3rd part software ( everything clean) Contact me via skype: adenaeu, or leave pm here
  5. WTS LIST *ADENA ---- 8E/kk (STOCK 20KK+) I newer used any 3rd party software, and not going to do that All adena and items are farmed in clean gameplay (hunt, craft, spoil) P.s my adena prices can be a little bigger than others, but understand, that i farmed it w/o cheats and you are not going to get ban for it (100% legit adena) P.ss i'am not that guy who scams (hate all scamers), i'am going to play here for a while and i need good customers:) Payments i accept: paypal (only gift), moneybookers(skrill), webmoney, paysera, in some cases westernunion Contact me via skype : adenaeu, or leave pm here
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