The skills in retail isnt so overpower like in mid rates and the reason most time is the overbuff.In retail no one make walks all the day full dance//songs summoner buffs,overenchanted skins,cc and all of this kind of buffs.And no one have 1 bot judi with overenchant skills to farm bosses or to rock even more in pvp for some seconds.So when all this went to the L2 everyone who wants to make a server have to check what is overpower for his opinion.i will give you 1 small example that in mid rates can be done easy.Paladin with sacrifice+30 power,antharas,zaken (healing effects),some clan skills (healing effects),augment passive active healing empower (healing effects) buff prayer (healing effect),talisman (dont remember the name healling effect),weapon oe (heals more) and some shits i forgot for sure...and vouala 1 paladin can use sacri and heal for 4k or 5k hp.if you count his heal with the proper buffs as well +wit he heals in 10 seconds more hp than a bishop without waste mp.The same and even worst is for elf tank cubic.So as you understand is not matter of skill but matter of "abusing" a skill with all this cause at retail to do all this for 1 skill you need a loooot of time and a looooot of money.Btw i play paladin a lot.