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  • 4 months later...

k i will stay on server. yes just 10-15 players at moment ,but i have seen some new on day. why i prefer gates of Naia. i played on some server which was registred here. some closed soon, some unbalanced much , and on one server i have seen how GM equiped  player.

here no corruption, server is stability , 4 gm team and gm-s online much time. class balanced look normal at moment , farming how i see no easy but no hard. forum forking. on all players post admin answering. so at moment server looks good. just need more players


Only the event gm is active (around 1 hour per day). Farming takes 2 days, getting epics takes a week. Skill enchants are fucked up, elements are fucked up, they fucked up class balance AND they still have the same corrupted server they had when they opened it 3 years ago. Nothing has changed, admin will never learn.


Dont waste your time here go someplace else where you can actually enjoy playing.

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