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[help] Texture problem (IL)


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lipon opos h frozen giran exei alagmena ta arxeia ths mesa sto utx ksesrw pos ta alazoume to thema einai pos ta xonoume palh mesa sto utx dokimasa diafora alla olla apetixan :'( .olla ta quide einai gia arxeia ta opia vriskonte mesa sto systemtexture ta opia einai diaforetika exw thelw sto texture skeftika na vgalw kai olla ta arxeia kai na ftiaksw new alla mesa sto utx exei kai alla arxeia ektos apo ta texture ta opia dn ginete na ta vgaleis me to utpt ama mporei kapion na help na alaksw 2 pragmata se 1 utx thks

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