kalispera b0ys! tha ithela na kano mia erwthsi sxetika me ena gmshop pou eixa se enan server kai twra thelo na ton valo se alon server :P to thema einai.. pia files prepei na perasw ston new server... (perasa to npc me to HTM file sto merchant, to kano spawn kanonika.. ala otan pataw "scrolls" gia paradigma.. den anigi tpt..opws kai me ola ta upolipa)
This code works well. It removes buff with double click, but If you preffer remove buff with ALT + mouse click, place this code in AbnormalStatusWnd.uc
function OnLButtonDown(WindowHandle a_WindowHandle, int X, int Y)
local Rect windowBounds;
local int targetRow;
local int targetCol;
local StatusIconInfo info;
local SkillInfo skillInfo;
if (IsKeyDown(IK_alt) == false)
// Find window position
windowBounds = Me.GetRect();
// Process clicks outside of window frame only
if (X > (windowBounds.nX + NSTATUSICON_FRAMESIZE))
// Calc row and col of targeted icon
targetRow = (Y - windowBounds.nY) / NSTATUSICON_SIZE;
// Store status info of targeted icon
StatusIcon.GetItem(targetRow, targetCol, info);
// Store actual skill info and make sure it is exists
if (GetSkillInfo(info.ClassID, info.Level, skillInfo))
// Request server to stop skill effect
// Usage: _dispel:<int:skill_id>,<int :skill_level>
// Example: _dispel:313,8
RequestBypassToServer ( "_dispel:" $ string ( skillInfo. SkillID ) $ "," $ string ( skillInfo. SkillLevel ) ) ) ;
kalispera b0ys! tha ithela na kano mia erwthsi sxetika me ena gmshop pou eixa se enan server kai twra thelo na ton valo se alon server :P to thema einai.. pia files prepei na perasw ston new server... (perasa to npc me to HTM file sto merchant, to kano spawn kanonika.. ala otan pataw "scrolls" gia paradigma.. den anigi tpt..opws kai me ola ta upolipa)
(eimai arketa newbie akoma) ::) ::)
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