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Enw provlima oso anafora to pws na kaneis server



Re pedia pite m kati exw fiaxei to server kanonika trexei einai stirigmenos se patch alounou server.Egw kanw login alla oi alloi dn mporoun kai exw allaxei kai to ini anixta ta ports ola ti allo mporei na pezei???

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κι εγώ το ίδιο πρόβλημα έχω ενώ έχω φτιάξει το l2.ini με τον No-ip Μου δεν μπορώ ούτε εγώ ούτε οι άλλοι να loggaroun. ενώ με το lan ip μου παίζω κανονικότατα μόνος μου

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1) klinis to firewall/toixos prostasias opos ipe o MaxChetos

2)sigourepsou pos exis bali sosta ta configs chekare ta dika m

C:/server/gameserver/config server.propeties


# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

# If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *

ExternalHostname= no-ip


# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

# If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *



to idio k sto C:/server/loginserver/config login.propeties

3) sigourepsou pos exis ani3i ola ta ports sosta kai ta exis perasi k sto pc

4)pane C:/server/gameserver/config k ani3e to server.propeties kai des ama ta exis etc

# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.

# You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision.

MinProtocolRevision = 1

MaxProtocolRevision = 999

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internal ip exw valei to dimiourgei kapoio provlima?sto external to exw me to no ip mou to 1 &999 to exw swsta opw to eipes. ta ports ta exw anoixta alla to firewall einai anoikto kai to antivirus.na ta kleisw dld?to antivirus kai to firewall enow

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internal ip exw valei to dimiourgei kapoio provlima?sto external to exw me to no ip mou to 1 &999 to exw swsta opw to eipes. ta ports ta exw anoixta alla to firewall einai anoikto kai to antivirus.na ta kleisw dld?

orea tr 8a klisis to firewall k to antivirus sto internal dn nmz na eiparxi problima pou exis kalitera na balis *
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to ekana alla tipota. den mporoun na mpoun.tous kolaei sto please w8 a moment.to system pou exw einai apo dead server kai exw valei to diko mou l2.ini me tin no-ip m.(dld sto l2.ini pou exw diko mou pc exw to internal ip kai stous allous exw to external ip dld to no-ip mou)gia peite ti paizei twra?

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to ekana kai twra 3anafwrtwnw ton server kai prospa8w gia log apo allo pc?mipws paizei kana rolo epeidi xrisimopoioume to idio router?

opio pc beni me to idio router prp na exi sto l2.ini

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