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what you gonna need :

1. Firefox + TamperData download: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/966/

2. Lineage2 The game Account (Any Account)

3.Character you send to floran must be Offline


Lets Start :


*If you don't have Firefox download it (Just google it if you don't know what firefox is T_T ') and Install Tamper Data which is a firefox add on.


*After Installing Tamper data Restart FireFox.


1.Go to Lineage2Thegame.com

2.Press "Account" Tab


4.In Firefox go to tools>TamperData

5.In TamperData Press Start Tamper

6.Choose Which Character you want to rescue (your own)

7.TamperData will popup then press "Tamper" now You will see on the window alot of stuff (not intersting) go to Charname on the right and Edit it to the char name you want to send to floran.

8.press ok, Tamperdata wlll ask you again if you want to Tamper Page Remove the "v" on the pop up window and press "Submit" for all next pop up windows.


I found this out by accident tried to hack voting system :/ no success.


Heh this exploit won't give u items but you can send the whole server to floran so it's nice (Char you send to floran must be offline)







so what is the point? :D


Well dunno , found it so shared it , heh it's nice to piss off enemy clans while they sleep and send all of them to floran ... I guess , if you don't see the point try to make one you know btw dude mickey mouse is a cat or a dog ?


Well dunno , found it so shared it , heh it's nice to piss off enemy clans while they sleep and send all of them to floran ... I guess , if you don't see the point try to make one you know btw dude mickey mouse is a cat or a dog ?

firstly i am sure that doesn't work anywhere!LineageII is different program with firefox...

/fail..someone lock it omg..


firstly i am sure that doesn't work anywhere!LineageII is different program with firefox...

/fail..someone lock it omg..

it works 100% I tested it stop reading this thread , if you are a lazy ass and don't want to test it it's not my problem
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