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How to add an image to Gatekeeper



Hi guys !!! i want to add an image at the top of the window of my gatekeeper

my server is java Client:epilogue


this is the image 33904761.jpg


and this is the buffer shot00004b.png

[glow=red,2,300]plz help me ty[/glow]

4 answers to this question

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Otan ennoeis oti 8eleis na valeis eikona ti ennoeis??? Poia eikona??


H Entoli stin glwssa html einai <img>...

profanws 8eleis na valeis kapoia eikona tou paixnidiou...


1on Dimiourgise enan pinaka <table>

2on 3ekinise mia nea seira <tr>

3on Stoixise tin eikona s ...<td align="center">(px)

4on Vres tin eikona pou 8eleis <img src=(i eikona)(Keno)width=platos eikonas(keno)height=ipsos eikonas> kai telos klineis tin stoixisi </td>

5on Kleise tin grammi s </tr>

6on Kleise kai ton pinaka pou dimiourgises </table>


Kai genikotera se autin tin glwssa programmatismou,oti anoigei prepei kai na kleinei... 8)


Na ena paradeigma




<td align="center">

<img src=icon.skill0272 width=32 height=32></td>




Kane apo8ikeusi to *.htm arxeiaki s,mpes me ton admin kai pata //reload htm

Ksanapata tin Gk kai des an petuxe...

Elpizw na voi8isa :D :D :D


  • 0

Op sugnwmh twra eida tin eikona pou i8eles na valeis  :P....Pisteuw oti eikones ektos tou paixnidiou de mporeis na valeis...

Uparxei ena sigkekrimeno arxeio mesa sto fakelo tou lineage ,ston fakelo Systextures,to opoio onomazete icon.utx

Einai sugkekrimenes eikonitses apo tous dimiourgous tou L2 tis opoies de mporeis na alla3eis....

Dld ti ennow...Kai na valeis esy tin eikonitsa ,pisteuw oti 8a tin vlepeis mono esy,kai oxi oi paiktes pou 8a mpoun....

Mia alli pliroforia pou mporei na se voi8isei ,an katafereis kai tin valeis einai oti i glwssa html upostirizei eikones tupou .gif , .xbm, .xpm ...

Episis polloi browsers (Mozilla,Internet Explorer,Goggle Chrome kai polloi akomi) upostirizoun kai .jpeg , kai .jpg


Auta 3erw ,auta lew...

  • 0

Op sugnwmh twra eida tin eikona pou i8eles na valeis  :P....Pisteuw oti eikones ektos tou paixnidiou de mporeis na valeis...

Uparxei ena sigkekrimeno arxeio mesa sto fakelo tou lineage ,ston fakelo Systextures,to opoio onomazete icon.utx

Einai sugkekrimenes eikonitses apo tous dimiourgous tou L2 tis opoies de mporeis na alla3eis....

Dld ti ennow...Kai na valeis esy tin eikonitsa ,pisteuw oti 8a tin vlepeis mono esy,kai oxi oi paiktes pou 8a mpoun....

Mia alli pliroforia pou mporei na se voi8isei ,an katafereis kai tin valeis einai oti i glwssa html upostirizei eikones tupou .gif , .xbm, .xpm ...

Episis polloi browsers (Mozilla,Internet Explorer,Goggle Chrome kai polloi akomi) upostirizoun kai .jpeg , kai .jpg


Auta 3erw ,auta lew...

ta duble post apagorebonte den sou ti leo apla to leeo na to kseris :)  epidi eisai new welcome kiolas

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