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[Guide]Perfect Pagination (MOD) + Css design


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Hi all,

I made a new mod, called Perfect pagination, i worked alot for this mode



- It recognize what category you are viewing and alters the number of pages.

- Previous Page link disappear if you are on page 1.

- First Page link if you are on page > 1, link disappear if you are on page 1.

- Last Page link disappear if you view the last page.

- Next Page link disappear if you view the last page.

- same goes if you view a category.

- occupy little place on your website.

- easy to install and easy to custom design.


Some screenshoots:










Open sources/rankings.php and find:


$result = $DB->select_limit("SELECT *
                                 FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites sites, {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_stats stats
                                 WHERE sites.username = stats.username AND active = 1 {$category_sql}
                                 ORDER BY {$order_by}
                                ", $CONF['num_list'], $start, __FILE__, __LINE__);


After add this:


// Select count
$result2 = $DB->query("SELECT *
                                 FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites sites, {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_stats stats
                                 WHERE sites.username = stats.username {$category_sql}
                                 ORDER BY {$order_by}", __FILE__, __LINE__);

// Pagination
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result2);
if ($start < $CONF['num_list']) {
$page = "0";
else {
$page = $start / $CONF['num_list'];
$pagescount = ceil($numrows/$CONF['num_list']);

// Paginare
$txt['nav'] = '';
if ($pagescount > 1) {
   if (($page + 1) > 1) {
$back = (($page - 1) * $CONF['num_list']) + 1;
$txt['nav'] .= ' <a href="index.php?start=1';
                  if(isset($FORM['method'])) { $txt['nav'] .="&method={$ranking_method}"; }
                  if(isset($FORM['cat']) && strlen($FORM['cat']) != "0" ) { $txt['nav'] .= "&cat={$category_escaped}"; }
                  $txt['nav'] .= '" class="border2" title="First"><<</a> ';
$txt['nav'] .= ' <a href="index.php?start='.$back.'';
                  if(isset($FORM['method'])) { $txt['nav'] .="&method={$ranking_method}"; }
                  if(isset($FORM['cat']) && strlen($FORM['cat']) != "0" ) { $txt['nav'] .= "&cat={$category_escaped}"; }
                  $txt['nav'] .= '" class="border2" title="Back"><</a> ';
   for ($page_number = 1; $page_number <= $pagescount; $page_number++) {
$start_page = (($page_number - 1) * $CONF['num_list']) + 1;
      if ($page_number == $page) {
         $txt['nav'] .= ' <a href="index.php?start='. $start_page .'';
                  if(isset($FORM['method'])) { $txt['nav'] .="&method={$ranking_method}"; }
                  if(isset($FORM['cat']) && strlen($FORM['cat']) != "0" ) { $txt['nav'] .= "&cat={$category_escaped}"; }
                  $txt['nav'] .= '" class="border3" title="Curent page '. $page_number .'">'. $page_number .'</a> ';
       else {
          if ($page_number >= $page - 8 && $page_number <= $page + 8) {
         $txt['nav'] .= ' <a href="index.php?start='. $start_page .'';
                  if(isset($FORM['method'])) { $txt['nav'] .="&method={$ranking_method}"; }
                  if(isset($FORM['cat']) && strlen($FORM['cat']) != "0" ) { $txt['nav'] .= "&cat={$category_escaped}"; }
                  $txt['nav'] .= '" class="border2" title="Page '. $page_number .'">'. $page_number .'</a> ';
         else {
            if ($page_number > $page && $dots_after != true) {
               $txt['nav'] .= ' ...';
               $dots_after = true;
            } elseif ($page_number < $page && $dots_before != true) {
               $txt['nav'] .= ' ...';
               $dots_before = true;
   if (($page + 1) < $pagescount) {
$next = (($page+1) * $CONF['num_list']) + 1;
$last = (($pagescount - 1) * $CONF['num_list']) + 1;
         $txt['nav'] .= ' <a href="index.php?start='. $next .'';
                  if(isset($FORM['method'])) { $txt['nav'] .="&method={$ranking_method}"; }
                  if(isset($FORM['cat']) && strlen($FORM['cat']) != "0" ) { $txt['nav'] .= "&cat={$category_escaped}"; }
                  $txt['nav'] .= '" class="border2" title="Next">></a> ';
         $txt['nav'] .= ' <a href="index.php?start='. $last .'';
                  if(isset($FORM['method'])) { $txt['nav'] .="&method={$ranking_method}"; }
                  if(isset($FORM['cat']) && strlen($FORM['cat']) != "0" ) { $txt['nav'] .= "&cat={$category_escaped}"; }
                  $txt['nav'] .= '" class="border2" title="Last">>></a> ';

$TMPL['pagination'] = $txt['nav'];


Save & close.


After open skins/YOURSKIN/wrapper.html


Place the following anywhere in wrapper.html where you would like to display the Pagination. If you like you can remove center tags, but i think it will look nicer with it.




Save & close.


After open your CSS style file and add this:


.border2 {
border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
background-color: #fff;
color: #2d2d2d;
.border3 {
border: 1px solid #2d2d2d;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
color: #2d2d2d;
background-color: #efefef;
font-weight: bold;


Save & close. Ok that`s all  I am very tired and i hope that i didn`t missing something.


Ps: Next week i will make a high quality template.


By Me!!!



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