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[Cinema4D]Creating a cool and easy 3D Text!


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Hello MaxCheaters!!I decided to make a guide on how to create a 3D Text in the famous program Cinema 4D!!

So let's start!!


First of all create a new composition/project.




Then, click on that "snake" line (which I have no idea what it is about) and select the option "Text".




After the Text option, now a panel will automatically pop up in your right corner with your Text Settings.Type the text name in the text box and then select your font.Of course you can modify the settings, but in this tutorial I didn't!!




After finishing with the text settings, you will notice that 3D effect hasn't appeared yet..W00t?So, what you have to do is to go in the tools bar and selece the ball inside a cube, click on that and then select Extrude NURBS!




But still the text is not 3D, so we are in the last step of making it 3D.Drag the Text layer on the Extrude NURBS layer when you see an arrow pointing DOWN.




Now your text has become 3D.Congratulations.You can play with the Extrude NURBS settings so you change the outcomme of the text.


I've got this one!!




Holly crap, it looks like shit in that gray color.Time to colorize it.You must place a MAT on it so it becomes colorfull.How are you going to do that?

Double-Click on the Grey Empty Bar down to your screen and a small ball will pop up!!That's our MAT!!




But don't forget about the MAT settings too.You must double-click on the MAT Icon which appeared and then a window will come up with the settings, colors and anything you may need for your text!!Play with the settings and get the result YOU want!!




To apply it on the text layer, all you have to do is to drag it on it like the way you did with the previous drag task!And you are done!!


For taking a preview of any new step you are making in Cinema4D, just press the icon that is colorized with blue in the picture bellow.




This is my result!Have fun, hope you liked it and good luck with you creations.

Syntax for MaxCheaters.com!





PS. Don't try to leech my guide or anything similar.I am not warning you for something, nothing will happen to you but at least give the damn credits :)

It's just a 2 seconds job typing my Nickname!Thanks!!

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