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Hello fellas, i encounter a strange problem.. on my L2 Server, i'm working to get a good augmentation glow on a c4 and i cannot figure out how to do it, i followed all the guides i saw on maxcheaters

For example : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68189.msg496875#msg496875

LauQ , if you see this post and you are able to help me with my request, give me a pm on something!


Anyway, lets get back to our subject.. so.. the problem is like this:

I have the damn c6 : LineageEffect.u i'm using on my c4 system.. works , but when i put augmentation


LineageEffect.w_vari_b4_004_a 3.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 6.50000000


LineageEffect.w_vari_b4_004_a: this is the augmentation effect and its only on my c4 the lightming.. nothing else.. i mean i dont get that big cool glow from the retail augments: in the retail its Lightming + a blue glow from the enchant .. i don't know if anyone get's a clue how i can get that big nice glow ! please let me know!


Here is a screen how my lame augments looks..




Thanks in advice, LauQ if your interested to join me or help me , let me know ! thanks!


A correct augmentation screen:


have fun there!


I think the trouble you have is that when you, in game, Augment a weapon, it loses its normal glow from its enchant level, and only has the cool blue lightning glow, like at the last screen.


But, if you put it customly there in the weapongrp.dat, it will either add it to the normal (blue or red glow default), or, if you set Is_Hero to 1, it will show always and no normal glow, like hero weapons that always only show their hero glow even though they have enchant +14.


I hope you see what I mean, and check pm, maybe we find a solution on msn or via pm :)






PS: I also have many interesting alternatives that havent been added to the glowlist, if you're interested ^^


PS2: Watch out with double post and the section you post in: it should have been posted in Client Modding [Help]


Try reinstalling or deleting and downloading againd e systextures, if not try to search for the animation and change it.


Ingame: you are using Top lvl 76? only with this stone it takes the augument glow.


Its a C4 server moded mate, and there is not needed the damn stone :P anyway.... there is maybe only on guy who own's that knowledge i need to fix that stuff, its the owner from L2 Forever, or the System from l2 forever so i can figure out :)

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