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Dokimasmeno ston L2Addicts working 100% (ston server L2addicts oxi pleon eipa ston GM to bug k apenergopoihse to Shield Magic Reflect)

Apaitiseis: 1 SpellHowler & 1 Paladin, O paladin na exei to shield magic reflect skill.

Vima 1: Dimiourgeis ena buff scheme me mono 1 buff.

Vima 2: Katevazeis ola ta cp tou howler & to hp me body to mind.

Vima 3: Alt tab ston paladin k energopoihsh tou Shield Magic Reflect.

Vima 4: Spammareis spells ston paladin mexri na psofiseis. (Kata protimisi CDL mias k skas perisotero dmg)

Vima 5: 3ana perneis to buff. TADA!! to buff stuckare. Gia "kalytera apotelesmata" epanalamvaneis ta vimata 2-4, me aplo rez xwris nobless).

Apo prosopika test den mporeis na anevaseis Speed, Atk. Speed. Alla, anevasa p.def (Song of earth), m.def(song of warding), reuse (Song of Renewal), P.Atk (Dance of Warrior).

Me ena restart ola epanerxonte sto kanoniko.. 8elei ypomoni kai 8ysia tou paladin me karma tis ta3is twn 7m++++


Eidou k oi apodi3eis: http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/5810/statsfl.jpg


Oxi. dokimasmeno mono ston server pou grafw k einai stous top se polla vote sites opote den fainete tyxaios... an k 8ewritika doulevei se olous tous L2J.


fysika peirazei.. opws eipa mono 1 buff auto pou 8eleis na stuckareis. Kai epidi ws gnwston ta dances/songs einai pio dynata apo ta buffs.. metrane perisotero na stuckareis.


nai Baios rezareis me ton paladin k 3ana perneis me ton sh to buff pou 8es na stuckareis 3ana psofas k 3ana kaneis tin idia diadikasia mexri na gineis mp00ri.

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