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[SUGGEST]Me a good dedicated machine/company

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HeLLo all...Many of u may have heard about the server that me and Darkslayer will open...WeLL i am happy to in position to announce that the pack is almost ready...However we gotta buy the machine..I've searched a lot but the offers that i found aren't that good...So i would like you to suggest me some good offers for dedicated machines that:

  • Have maximum price 80 euros
  • Can be paid via bank
  • Don't need money for installation
  • Don't need to be pre-paid for a year or six months

Any help will be appreciated...

Thx in advance,MasterDisaster

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LOL guyz gimme direct linkz to the machines witht he features that i mentioned before...

An amcrew i already have u on msn nabz0r ;)

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