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Katarxas gia na kanete enan l2jServer Tha prepei na katebasete kapoia programata

Ta programata ayta einai

Mysql  Edw

Navicat Edw

Java Edw

Sto navicat gia na exete to kalo gia panta katebaste AytoKai otan anoi3ete to navicat patiste registration kai balte ayta p exei mesa ;)

Kanete install ola ta programs deite pws Edw Meta tha xreiasteite ena pack parte ena Edw

Einai me backup gia na kanete restore backup anoigete Navicat

Deite 9998b4296ca56617c86dfca87742773a.gif

To backup briskete sto GameServer mesa Kai legete Gameserver.psc

Meta gia na exete ena eidous sta8eris ip Tha pate na katebasete to no-ip i to dyndns tha sas pw gia no-ip Kanete prwta ena acc

Kai meta skato1.jpg

Patate Add  a Host

width=960 height=768http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/5929/skato15.jpg[/img]

Meta grafete to name tou server sas .biz i .oti thelete  kai patate Greate Host

Ystera katebazete to no-ip Edw

To kanete install kai deite

width=960 height=768http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/1771/skato16.jpg[/img]

Bazete to email me to opio kanate acc sto no-ip sto edit

width=960 height=768http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/2425/skato19.jpg[/img]

Ystera tha sas bgalei to host pou kanate add prin patiste tick panw tou kai kante refresh 2-3 Fores

Gia na kanete online to Server tha prepei na Kleisete to teixos prostasias sas Pigenete pinaka elegxou teixos prostasias kai width=960 height=768http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7116/skato20.jpg[/img]EPEIDI THA TO KANETE AYTO KATEVASTE ENA KALO ANTIVIRUS http://avast.com

Episis prepei na open ta Ports tou rooter sas http://portforward.com Egw tha deiksw gia to rooter baudtec Pigenete tin istoselida tou rooter baudtec patate advanced setup nat Virtual Server  kai deite parakatw

width=960 height=768http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1588/skato30.jpg[/img]

Tha open ayta ta 3 Port 2106 7777 9014

Ystera pigenete ston fakelo tou Server gameserver config kai anoigete to server.properties

Kai deite parakatw width=960 height=768http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/2546/skato9.jpg[/img]

OK molis to kanete  ayto patate apo8ikeysi sto loginserver einai etoima ;)

Twra tha prepei na open to Server Pate Server/gameserver kai patate start gameserver meta pate Server/loginserver kai patate Start loginserver width=960 height=768http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/827/skato10.jpg[/img]

Twra prepei o Server sas na einai Online

Pws tha mpeite sto Server sas Twra tha katebasete ena file edit katarxas stin prokeimeni periptwsi gia Interlude Breite ena Edw

Twra Open to file edit patiste open and Decrypt breite to arxeio l2.ini sto system sas

width=960 height=768http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/9489/skato11.jpg[/img]

width=960 height=768http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/586/skato13.jpg[/img]

Twra eiste etoimoi mpoukarete ston Server sas


Kali dulia re file alla pios o logos na to kanis ama iparxun idi ala tosa gia auto to 8ema. Anyway sinexise tin kali dulia se allon idon guides! :P

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