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[Guide] Create Shiny Web Button

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1. 150x50px make a new document and fill it with black


2. Make a new Group (Layer -> New -> Group) and baptized "glowing glass".


3. Make new layer and baptized "glass"


4. Taking instrument Circle Marquee Tool with the following settings



Now make a circle on the left side of the document. You'll notice that the circle does not change its size.


Edit -> Fill and fill with white. Not deselektirayte circle now.




Hold Shift and start pressing the right arrow on the keyboard. That will move the selection 10 pixels in Move it as you want is a long button. I moved 9 times. Fill this selection with white. And deselect




5. Now comes the fun part. The button is still not disguised that, but we will do it. Rectangle Marquee Tool select the following settings:



Now make a rectangle covering the two halves of a circle:




Fill with white and deselect.



6. Already have shaped button. Time to colorable to become lucent glass button. Layer of "glass" by clicking the right mouse and select Blending Options, with the following settings (which I use is the blue # 00FFF7):











Pressing Ctrl + I. Change the Blending Mode of layer "glass" to Screen




7. Time to make a reflection of the button to get "glass" appearance. Make a new layer and Name it "reflection"


Keeping Ctrl, click on the layer "glass". Press D and select the Gradient Tool. Make sure the tool options are as shown below:




Now hold Shift and drag a line from the bottom of the button to its upper end. Change the Blending Mode of layer "reflection" on Screen and reduce the Opacity to 32%


Take the Circle Marquee Tool and make a selection similar to below:



Press Delete on the keyboard and deselektirayte (Ctrl + D)


8. The button is ready, it's time to add text. You can use any font you want pixel. Typography Tool With Tool write something on the button with a white color.




Looks a little boring right? Let's add a layer Blending Options with the text:




The button is ready!  ;D ;D But if you want button more beautiful, keep reading !!!


9. We will make a reflection of the text. Duplicate layer with the text and go to Edit -> Transform -> Flip Vertical


Now it down until the down is about 1 pixel in the original text.



Go to Layer -> Add Layer mask -> Reveal all. Select the Gradient Tool and restraint Shift pull a line from the lower end of the text to preobarnatiyat upper right text.




You must have beautiful reflections of your text


10. We will measure and add to our hand button. Make a new layer and Name "divide". Take the Rectangle Marquee Tool settings:


Style: Fixed Size

Wide: 1px

Height: 18px


and began to adapt the line 1 pixel above the lowest point of the button and ends before 1 squeaker top.




Now filled with black and move the selection 1 pixel on the left and filled with white. Change the layer Blending Mode to "divide" to Soft Light. Make a new layer and Name "arrow". Take Tool Polygonal Lasso Tool and make selection like this:




Fill the selection with white


Now we're ready to button and extras!





When you want to use this button somewhere just out group "glowing glass" in any document as often as you like. So easy. If the background of the document that put the button is very light, change the text color of black. If you do not reflect text and remember to change its color. To change text simply use the Text Tool. To change the color of the button, go to the Blending Options of layer "Glass" and change colors.


Credits ~~> BG Website

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    • Welcome to my store : https://topestore.mysellix.io/fr/ 2015-2022 Aged Discord Account 2015 Discord Account : 60.99 $ 2016 Discord Account : 10.50 $ 2017 Discord Account :4.99 $ 2018 Discord Account : 3.99 $ 2019 Discord Account : 2.99 $ 2020 Discord Account :1.99$ 2021 Discord Account :1.50$ 2022 Discord Account :0.99$ Warranty :Lifetime Payment Methods : Crypto/ PayPal Contact Me On Discord Or Telegram Discord : @ultrasstore11 Telegram : https://t.me/ultrastore11 Whatsapp ; +212614849119 Welcome to my store : https://topestore.mysellix.io/fr/ 2015-2022 Aged Discord Account 2015 Discord Account : 60.99 $ 2016 Discord Account : 10.50 $ 2017 Discord Account :4.99 $ 2018 Discord Account : 3.99 $ 2019 Discord Account : 2.99 $ 2020 Discord Account :1.99$ 2021 Discord Account :1.50$ 2022 Discord Account :0.99$ Warranty :Lifetime Payment Methods : Crypto/ PayPal Contact Me On Discord Or Telegram Discord : @ultrasstore11 Telegram : https://t.me/ultrastore11 Whatsapp ; +212614849119
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    • Upgrading to Salvation is exactly the same as upgrading to the newest client with the only difference being access to free-shared client editing tools and resources. I am speaking from experience. I have upgraded my HF source to one of the newest clients by myself (in terms of server side. got help with the client) and hit every single wall there was in the process. Now, I already have several multi-protocool server cores so I can easily compare different approaches to tackling the same issue, which also helped the learning process. Best way to learn would be to use this one (link below) to snoop around and figure out what has been changed in the server side (the packet structure will be different, for sure, but works for understanding/figuring the process out in general terms). https://github.com/iBezneR/L2J_SunriseProject_Purity The client side will always be the same, always the same files, only the DAT structure will be different. I personally wrote myself some parsers for the data of the DAT files from OLD -> NEW client.
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