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maby bypas anti bot system with rootkit??


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fu rootkit



your virus scaner wil probly go crazy doh.. its a rootkit but as you can see the link comes from a website you can trust


and here a tutorial


1):download fu_rootkit...


2): take it out of the rar into the desktop (rename the folder as "rootkit"

so the process is easier)


3): go to the exe folder get fu.exe and msdirectx cut it and put fu.exe and msdirectx into the fu folder ( note that inside fu_rootkit folder u have 3 subfolders (exe - sys - fu)


4):open the aimbot


5): go to start.. then run then wirte cmd


6);it should be like this cdocuments and settings\administrator


7 write cd desktop and now is like this: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop


8): write cd rootkit and now is like this: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit


9): write cd fu and now: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit\fu\


10):ok now lets see the process: when u get here youll write fu -pl 200..and lots of proccess should come out... System, SMSS,CSRSS,SERVICES,LSASS,Explorer, and the l2walker are the ones we are looking for.... notice that besides each one you got some numbers these numbers u gonna use it so keep it in mind.


11): example u notice that system has number 504 so what u do is write:


cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit\fu\fu -ph 504 <-- now that process is hidden.....and youll keep doin it with the others process i presented to you before.. every time u hide a process u get the same line to write:cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit\fu\ <-- so u go get the number for the other process and keep doing it until u are done.... then enter gb and u have it...


i did not writed this the tutorial and this tutorial whas for a other bot then lineage 2 but you get the idea how the rootkit works

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