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[help] a trick for triple box?


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it's impossible to triple box in my server ( not forbidden but impossible to connect 3 account ) so i'm wondering if there is any trick for doing it

i'm searching over 1 week but didn't find any trick , anyone have a solution to my problem ?

EDIT : Problem resolved

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m.... so even if u use the preatorian anti lag patch u cant log 3 accounts? lol


may be u need a better pc =P


There is no tricks , ofc u need to low the graphics , that helps a lot


Other than this , i think there is not other method (whit out walker ofc xD)

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I know a way.. I can't log in 3 acc in my serv too, so i use 2 on one user. Then change it to another one, and u can make 2 more, and so on so on.. Just need a good computer.


worst english u've ever seen? o.O

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This is old but may be..




give it a try , is the only thing i found in all forum ;S

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the problem is not about launching 2 box or even more but the problem is about log-in when we have 3 lineage 2 client running  ...

i will explain better

i launch 1 client : ok i can log

i launch 2 client : ok i can log

i launch 3 client : when i press log in i got a message like this "access failed , try again later" but the 2 first are still connected ig

here another attempt

1 client launched : didn't log in yet (still in the log in screen)

2 client launched : didn't log in yet (still in the log in screen)

3 client launched : if i try to log in with any of my client i got the same message again "access failed , try again later"

it's like if there is something that know that i have 3 client launched and don't allow me to log


and another attempt

1 client gracia launched : didn't log in yet (still in the log in screen)

2 client C5 launched : didn't log in yet (still in the log in screen)

3 client C6 ( here the client with the server where i want to triple box ) : i type my log and pass and again  "access failed , try again later"

smart thing , it's like if there is a file in the system folder that calculate how many l2.exe i have used , i tried to rename the l2.exe of the other client but i got an error while trying to launch the game ( file are corrupted )

i think the last i can do is to find server IP and other thing so i can play with host file

or if someone know the responsible file of all that and i can edit it with l2 file edit , plz tell me with file it is

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it's like if there is a file in the system folder that calculate how many l2.exe i have used 


Nah There is not such a file, the server allows a certain amount of account by ip, the only thing i can think is , that when u r about to log your third client, u use the program that a style use in the vote 100 time for a server

the program is "tor" , try use that program to hide cover your ip in the third client.. and may be the server will not recognize has same ip and let u log in




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ViniPooch i tried that trick but when i switch to another user i got critical error in the other side


works for me on my serv :/ can't help ya, i gues Anubis answered u, cuz i cant read it ^^

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