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[Request]Some help


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Just 1 question.

Why buffs time are don't changed when i add 3600.look



#                      Skills & Effects                      #



# When this is enabled it will read the config "SkillDurationList"

# This will basically overlook the "time= x" in the skill xml's so that you do

# not need to modify the L2J Datapck XML's to increase skill duration.

# Skill duration list:

# Format : skillid,newtime;skillid2,newtime2;....

# Example:

# This enable 1h(3600) duration for songs, the "\"indicates new line,

# and is only set for formating purposes.

# SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\

# 269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\

# 363,3600;364,3600

# Retail: false

EnableModifySkillDuration = True

SkillDurationList = 3600


# Enable to modify skill reuse data

EnableModifySkillReuse = true

# Skill reuse list

# Format : skillid,newDelayTime;skillid,newDelayTime2....

SkillReuseList =


# This option is to enable or disable automatic skill learning.

# To enable this option set it to true, and to disable set it to false.

# Retail: false

AutoLearnSkills = True


# This option is to enable or disable automatic herb use (which means auto-pickup herbs).

# To enable this option set it to true, and to disable set it to false.

# Retail: false

AutoLootHerbs = False


# Maximum number of buffs (default = 20 + 4 with divine inspiration skill)

# Retail: 20

maxbuffamount = 99


# This option allows a player to automatically learn Divine Inspiration.

# this is not included in AutoLearnSkills above.

# Retail: false

AutoLearnDivineInspiration = true


# This is to allow a character to be canceled during bow use, skill use, or both.

# The correct settings to set below are: "bow" or "cast" or "all"

# Retail: cast

AltGameCancelByHit = cast


# If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser

# effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. New effects

# that are added will be canceled if they are of lesser priority to the old one.

# If False, they will not be canceled, and it will switch to them after the

# stronger one runs out, if the lesser one is still in effect.

# Retail: true

CancelLesserEffect = True


# This option if enabled will allow magic to fail, and if disabled

# magic damage will always succeed with a 100% chance.

# Retail: true

MagicFailures = True


# Player Protection from aggressive mobs after getting up from fake death.

# This is in seconds, set this to 0 to disablet his option.

# Retail: 0

PlayerFakeDeathUpProtection = 0


# This option is to enable or disable the storage of buffs/debuffs

# among other effects.

# To enable, set to true, and to disable, set to false.

# Retail: true



# These are alternative rules for shields -

# If enabled and they block;

# the damage is powerAtk-shieldDef,

# otherwise the if false and they block;

# the damage is powerAttak / (shieldDef + powerDef)

# Retail: false

AltShieldBlocks = False


# This is the rate value for perfect shield block rate.

# Retail: 5

AltPerfectShieldBlockRate = 5


# Allow use of Event Managers for changing occupation without

# any quests needing completion.

# Retail: false

AllowClassMasters = True


# Life crystal needed to learn clan skills

# Retail: true

LifeCrystalNeeded = True


# Spell Book needed to learn skills

# Retail: true

SpBookNeeded = True


# Book needed to enchant skills

# Retail: true

EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True


# Alternative skill learn rules:

# - all classes can learn all skills

# - skills of another class costs x2 SP

# - skills of another race costs x2 SP

# - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP

# Retail: false

AltGameSkillLearn = False


# Allow player to sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items.

# Retail: false

AltSubClassWithoutQuests = true




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m.............. its just a guess but i think u should just not set up only the SkillDurationList = 3600

u should edit all


#      This enable 1h(3600) duration for songs, the "\"indicates new line,

#      and is only set for formating purposes.

#      SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\

#      269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\

#      363,3600;364,3600


All has 3600 (just a guessing)


Dude i recomend u to instead of doing this , do it in the old fashion way and change time of each buff..



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