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How you set a Gm

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== How to set GM access ==


GM status is set by the character and not the account


If this is your first character, create the character and logout/exit game.

Player needs to be offline for the changes to take effect.



1st.Open Navicat.

2nd.Click l2jdb.

3rd.Double click the table characters

4th.Find the character you need to set as a GM.

~Optional Step~


To make sure you give access to correct player, (table is very wide):

Right click the character name, Select Filter > Field = Value (this will now show only that character line)

Scroll to the right and find accesslevel.

Set to 100, (or what ever you have set in server.cfg)

Click check mark at bottom. (If check mark is not highlighted, just exit)



== Normal access levels ==

-100 = banned

0 = normal user

50 = priveledged user (allowed to bypass server limit (accounts table)

100 and up = GM/Admin levels

== GMaccess.properties ==

In this config file you can give permissions to your GM's or limit what they can do.


I use a 3 tier GM system.

(characters table, accesslevel)


100 = noob GM's

120 = trusted GM's

150 = admin

In GMaccess.properties set the permissions something like this....


GMAccessLevel = 100

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 120

GMCanShop = 120

GMCanDelete = 120

GMCanKick = 100

GMMenu = 100

GMGodMode = 100

GMCanEditChar = 150

GMCanEditNPC = 120

GMCanTeleport = 100

GMCanRestart = 120

GMMonsterRace = 100

GMRider = 120

GMFastUnstuck = 100

GMResurectFixed = 100

GMUseForth = 100

GMDoor = 100

GMRes = 100

GMPeaceAttack = 100

GMHeal = 100

GMUnblock = 120



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Guest TheVortex

and in one folder ( can't remember ) there is a command like MinimunGMAccessLevel=100 make it to one for make this values work!

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The //setbuilder command... What is for?


this command is to set gm for l2off


for l2j you can use //changelvl - Changes a targetted players access level.

Usage: //changelvl Access_level_number


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