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[Radio-Station] Toquel-Radio.Com (24/7 Online Music)

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Welcome To Toquel-Radio Topic

Greek: Το

toquel-radio.com είναι ένας ιντερνετικός ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός που μεταδίδει Σύγχρονη μουσική Για Όλοι Την Νεολαία.


Tο πρόγραμμά του μπορείτε να το ακούτε μόνο μέσα από την ιστοσελίδα http://www.toquel-radio.com/.


Το Toquel-radio.com απευθύνεται Για Όλοι Την Νεολαία.

Έτσι, για να το περιγράψουμε με λίγες και όμορφες λέξεις, θα λέγαμε οτι το Toquel-Radio είναι ένα ραδιόφωνο δυναμικό, αληθινό, ασυμβίβαστο, ανεξάρτητο, πολύχρωμο.


English :This is a Toquel-Radio-Internet radio station broadcasts Contemporary Music For All Youth.


The program you can hear only through the website www.Toquel-Radio.com.


The Toquel-Radio.com addressed For All Youth.

So, to describe it with few and beautiful words, we would say that the Toquel-Radio.com is a potential radio, true, uncompromising, independent, colorful.


apostolis o.pap




Dj Oxygen



Best Regards

Tuquel's radio Team!


elixir-radio's 1st web site..:D

gl to your radio dude,i am listening 10 minutes and i see nc songs


Cobra is here. ill own the world :D >:D


Im w8ting for logo it will be awesome, yes i know site it sux :P.


In this team there is not britney or paris hilton we all work for the music and make it moar sexy at your ears :D .


Boring website, ugly design and slow loading. Fadeout on the music i'v heard so far was pretty bad.


Good luck!


Wen you listen to the music you see the web all the time? its your fetish i respect that, ye i know it sux.



Telling pretty bad deepens on your feet? maybe you are not the one we want to attract we play mostly most popular music in the world.


We are new and there are more to come, is not ready yet.


Thank you for the good?! and bad words >:D


It was not to be mean, just saying my opinions about the site so far but i dont doubt its going to be awesome! ;)

You should really check the fadeouts when theres song changes, it feels weird to me as it is right now (maybe its just me)..


It was not to be mean, just saying my opinions about the site so far but i dont doubt its going to be awesome! ;)

You should really check the fadeouts when theres song changes, it feels weird to me as it is right now (maybe its just me)..


I told you it sux :D. Yes will be awesome ;)


There are things to be donne but most of them are not for free. so we try for da best :)




Are u live ?


I can be >:D




Okey, cant wait to see what your working on. Actually i had a few ideas for a website design, but i'll wait and see what you have in mind.


Any help is appreciated.


You can add me at skype: cobra_exe

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