Kalispera...exw ena provlima to opoio eine oti ston server mou exw kanei safe 3 max 16 ta weapon kai safe 3 max 12 armor kai jewel.
kai epeidh evala ta crystall scroll 100% ekana enchant to s grade crystal scroll kai ta weapon pigenoun mexri +16 komple alla h armor dn stamataei sto +12 kai pigenei kai auti mexri +16 me ta scrolls.
na kai to config arxeio.Kai episis thelw na valw 1 crystall gia ola ta grade twn weapons kai 1 crystall gia ola ta grade twn armors pos to kanw auto?doulevw se l2jfrozen project.
# Enchant Settings #
# Pack: l2jfrozen Site: [url=http://www.l2jfrozen.com]www.l2jfrozen.com[/url] #
# ----------------------------------------------
# Special Enchanting System -
# ----------------------------------------------
# Chance enchanting presented as a series of pairs of numbers where the first
# Indicates the number of levels, and the second chance of successful enchanting.
# Also have the option of limiting the maximum level of echanting
# For weapons / armor / jewelry.
# If you have a maximum level of grinding 50 and you do not want
# Give all the chances for each level (from 1 to 50) then
# You can specify for example:
# NormalWeaponEnchantLevel = 1,100; 2,100; 3,100; 4,75; 5,50;
# Example: 5,92; = if you enchant weapon to +5 you have 92% to success.
# ----------------------------------------------
# Chance For Normal Scrolls -
# ----------------------------------------------
# Weapon
NormalWeaponEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,60;5,60;6,60;7,60;8,60;9,60;10,60;11,60;12,60;13,60;14,60;15,60;16,60;
# Armor
NormalArmorEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,60;5,60;6,60;7,60;8,60;9,60;10,60;11,60;12,60;
# Jewel
NormalJewelryEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,60;5,60;6,60;7,60;8,60;9,60;10,60;11,60;12,60;
# ----------------------------------------------
# Chance For Blessed Scrolls -
# ----------------------------------------------
# Weapon
BlessWeaponEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,85;5,85;6,85;7,85;8,85;9,85;10,85;11,85;12,85;13,85;14,85;15,85;16,85;
# Armor
BlessArmorEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,85;5,85;6,85;7,85;8,85;9,85;10,85;11,85;12,85;
# Jewel
BlessJewelryEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,85;5,85;6,85;7,85;8,85;9,85;10,85;11,85;12,85;
# ---------------------------------------------
# Chance For Crystal Scrolls -
# ---------------------------------------------
# Weapon
CrystalWeaponEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,100;5,100;6,100;7,100;8,100;9,100;10,100;11,100;12,100;13,100;14,100;15,100;16,100;
# Armor
CrystalArmorEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,100;5,100;6,100;7,100;8,100;9,100;10,100;11,100;12,100;
# Jewel
CrystalJewelryEnchantLevel = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,100;5,100;6,100;7,100;8,100;9,100;10,100;11,100;12,100;
# Safe enchant
EnchantSafeMax = 3
EnchantSafeMaxFull = 3
# Crystal Limits
CrystalEnchantMin = 1
CrystalEnchantMax = 16
# Max enchant Settings by scrolls.
# On / off bonuses at enchant dwarfs
# Custom Patch, Dwarf have a bonus on Enchant!
# Default: False
EnableDwarfEnchantBonus = False
# Minimun level for enchant
DwarfEnchantMinLevel = 80
# bonus enchant
DwarfEnchantBonus = 15
# On / off enchant hero weapons
EnableEnchantHeroWeapons = False
# The value of enchanting
# For example: If CustomEnchantValue = 5 Sharpening will:
# From 0 till the +5, with +5 to +10, from +10 to +15, etc.
# Total: 15 for three to scroll
# Default: 1
CustomEnchantValue = 1
# --------------------------
# Augmentation -
# --------------------------
# Chance to get a skill
# Default: 15, 30, 45, 60
AugmentationNGSkillChance = 2
AugmentationMidSkillChance = 3
AugmentationHighSkillChance = 8
AugmentationTopSkillChance = 25
# Chance to get a base stat
# Default: 1
AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1
# Chance to get the glow
# Note:
# No Grade / Mid Grade not have emission
# Default: 0, 40, 70, 100
AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0
AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40
AugmentationHighGlowChance = 100
AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100
# Augments Active and Passive skills delete on change weapon
# ----------------------
# Soul Crystal -
# ----------------------
# The chance that the crystal breaks
SoulCrystalBreakChance = 10
# Chance to improve Cristal
SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32
# Chance to improve Cristal
SoulCrystalMaxLevel = 13
# Enchant limit for Olympiad battles.
# (Maximum enchant level allowed for an item to be equipped, -1 to disable)
AltOlyMaxEnchant = -1
# Enchant after break with blessed scroll.
BreakEnchant = 3
# Limit enchant GM players (// setew and others) (0 disabled)
GMOverEnchant = 17
# IMPORTANT: anti Over Enchant system
# HOW WORKS: if you set it to 16, and player have an item > 16
# he will be kicked and the item will disappear!
# Enchant amount at which a player gets punished (0 disabled)
EnchantKick = 18
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Kalispera...exw ena provlima to opoio eine oti ston server mou exw kanei safe 3 max 16 ta weapon kai safe 3 max 12 armor kai jewel.
kai epeidh evala ta crystall scroll 100% ekana enchant to s grade crystal scroll kai ta weapon pigenoun mexri +16 komple alla h armor dn stamataei sto +12 kai pigenei kai auti mexri +16 me ta scrolls.
na kai to config arxeio.Kai episis thelw na valw 1 crystall gia ola ta grade twn weapons kai 1 crystall gia ola ta grade twn armors pos to kanw auto?doulevw se l2jfrozen project.
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