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hellbound [L2J] Mistworld x100


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Well in this server everything is in english, items, skills, teleports, only alt+b is in ru, but its easy to understand by images or just by clicking everything and seeing what it does, also at every town item broker there is opinion to check every shop, so you can buy/sell anything you need without understanding russian and since there are 0 international h5 servers with atleast 500 online, this server is good enough to play.

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drop is dropping on the floor from mobs or is just me ? ye i checked .cfg and everythink is fine but still..


There is function autoloot only for adena which makes you get only adena, if you wanna other drop if you have to disable it.

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yes i am talking about community everybody are russians and you have to solo all the time.btw i cant even create a scheme at alt+b.so how is it possible to play at this server?(same happens with teleport.Just make a full english patch then i think it will be fine

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why would you play on russian server?


Let me guess ? Oh w8, cuz on BloodSky some ppl have every day bigger and bigger dmg ? This is like hi cancel cannot be "retail like" 5 buffs taken per cancel, but glads should have retail dmg, cmon dat is kinda stupid, listen all the time haters, like sps need to run and cancel, enjoy it alone.


Mistword is not nothing special indeed, but ru players care about every each char, they dont listen all the whiners, so cancels, debuffs, all classes are closer to retail not like on trolol uber eu servers, where childs start qq and 90% skills is FU CKE D UP, no ty.


I feel a lot of gm support on BloodSky + 12h server offline of course, cuz ddos, but no one say a shit, so what do u expect from server like dat ?

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w8 a moment you misunderstood.i didnt say that i like eu servers they all suck . i just dais that if you want play in a server like mistworld you will play alone wihtout any friends and clan just solo.in mistworld i searched for english players or clan for 2 hours but nothing.same on forum

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w8 a moment you misunderstood.i didnt say that i like eu servers they all suck . i just dais that if you want play in a server like mistworld you will play alone wihtout any friends and clan just solo.in mistworld i searched for english players or clan for 2 hours but nothing.same on forum


so its your problem that you all servers change clans, i went there with my cp and we dont have any problems to play there even if we dont understand russian, also i met many english speaking people there and as i know there are some not ru clans/cps, but if you are random and lf clan every server than for you better play eu severs.

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when will be start ? I dont understand RU language


Well start was 18.5, but server is under massive ddos, so its offline atm.So we w8 for reply from admin, if they solve a problem...

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I have problem with game

I create acc on website and download patch , when i have 'start window' [login:password] , I write login and password and click LOGIN , but I have CRASH [the game is off]

I try change "Regional and Language Options" to Russian , but still dont work ...



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btw i like the bots admin has spawned in some towns that they are just sitting there. every bot has no grade items and being in the same position for 2 hours


yyy i logged there 1st time, saw that in every town, they dont move or anything. After that i just logged off from that shit

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Checked the server-> logged in, created character, saw 100-200 ppl in kamael Village just standing, not moving or anything (all no grade), logged out. lol.. this even beats fake counter. nice one XD

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