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interlude [l2j-interlude] L2misao pvp starded today


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hello i found this sever few min ago just open it has 100-150 online at start

website: www.l2misao.com



RateXp = 1000

RateSp = 1000


EnchantMaxWeapon = 12

EnchantMaxArmor = 12

EnchantMaxJewelry = 12

NormalEnchant=80%(up to +10 max)

BlessedEnchant=100%(up to +10 max)

CrystalEnchant=70%(from 10 to 12)

Augmentation 1 active and 1 pasive stuck





Quest no Need for Class change

Quest no Need for Subclass

Noblesse buyable from GM Shop

Mana potions

All caste/clan hall work

Skills 100% working

Dualbox is allowed.

Flawless geodata

GM Shop up to S-Grades

Global Gatekeeper

Autolearn skills

NPC changing classes

Friendly GM Staff

Regular updates

Vote rewards : Vote Coins

Player's spawn protect: 15 sec

Only 2 Castle sige for more pvp:Aden,Giran


Fully reworked retail like olympiad

Olympiad Cycle = 1 Weeks

Skills are reused after teleport on stadion,

Fully worked observation system, including switching between stadion without back to village,

Teleport back to town right after match end,

Enchant limited to +6 in olympiad game


Full NPC Buffer:

Max buffs: 36(+4);

All buffs: PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SWS,Cats

Includes a scheme buffer where you can manage your own buff sets.

Restore Option too

All buffs are free.

Buff Time 3h.


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