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Implemented for the group of subjects in the Etc-Brokerage Trade;

Knife removed from the shop of hell (C4-like);

Corrected data set Elegy;

Changes to restrictions sharpening objects;

Corrected data sets Vorpal;

Fixed inability to enchant some items;

Fixed some skill in PvP-brass knuckles;

Problems with proiznosheneim scrolls return;

Fixed rates Rings Isthiny;

Been adjusted to dostpehi Verpesa and Elegies;

Fixed attack range of new crossbows;

Changed the drop rate of destruction of the scrolls from the chest of the hero;

Work has begun on the new enhancements in Taut;

In the accessories can now be attached pendants;


Fixed some bugs in the quest for 4 profession;

Fixed monsters in a quest Help the Sister;

Fixed quest A Powerful Primeval Creature;

Added the ability to take the third class sub-class;

Fixed quest Threat Removal;

Fixed quest Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe;

Fixed quest Seven Signs: Contract of Mammon;

Fixed quest Silver Haired Shaman;

Lots of quests transferred to off-like dialogues;

Added quest epic Taut;

Fixed quest Little Wing Adventures (dragon quest);


Added the ability to advertise the position of Mammon;

Added AI monsters Guillotine;

Corrected formula for the NPC with a weapon;

Deleted eksping on mobs with four instance profession;

Fixed effect of the disappearance NPC Typia in Orbis;


Baylor is implemented;

Vallok implemented;

Fixed a problem with the end of the instance Isthiny and problems "in rushing epic texture";

Oktavis implemented;

Fixed period of time to display the end of the instance;

Work has begun on Maps (Solo / Party 85-95);

Fixed quest for the grant and bracelet Isthiny Oktavisa;

Fixed gain experience with Isthiny;

Fixed time of completion of the instance Isthiny, Valloka and Baylor at the outlet of all players;


When regeneration is shown playing video;

Fixed formula shield block;

Changes to the formula of damage reflection and related skills;

Added a mode of collecting loot pet owner in inventory;

Changes to the formula Vampire;

Fixed some bugs in the system Shift + Click;

Fixed the ability to carry various items Kamael race after degeneration;

Changes to the formula of physical damage;

Amended the function of protecting the pet;

Removed debris in Kamael skills;

Fixed a chance skill Fear magicians;

Fixed attack Rumi;


Fixed skill type Cancel;

Adjustments were made to the effect of skill Black Hole;

Changes in the ability Illusion Shadows - namely, an assist on purpose;

Fixed skill Harmony Berserker;

Fixed the ability to last flash;

Fixed the ability to spike shield;

Fixed skill Protection of Elemental & Protection of Alignment;

Amended ability Pulse Shield;

Fixed skill Protection of Cuba, added healing;

Fixed skill Harmony Magician;

Gates of Doom now have a static rollback and castes;

Posted reflected damage for magic and physical skills;

Ability to limit maximum protection for added damage taken;

Fixed the ability to last jump;

Fixed the ability to spike shield;

Fixed improving skills Maximum Critical Damage;

Added the ability to auto attack after using the new summons;

Transformation into stone now gives immunity to debuff;

Fixed buffs mentors;

Fixed reflected damage from racial skills;

Hold Hell can throw at neflagnutyh characters;

Fixed sharpening skills roundhouse kick;

Buffs-harmony implemented in accordance with the updating of Glory Days;

Fixed the ability to fire on the Square;

Aura's four professions do not take buff slots;

Nocturne Madness is now a group buff;

Fixed-cleaning ability;

Fixed the ability to deep sleep;


Fixed a problem with the search paths from the NPC and monsters;

Fixed many bugs game statistics;

Added statues of world statistics;

Fixed constraints Academy;

Fixed a clan invite friends through the window;

Includes many fixes geodata;

Amended and supplemented by mentoring;

Added multilingual support;

All dialogues Quest NPC & transferred to new dialogues official server;

Added statistics clans;

Work has begun on a system of clan wars;

Added new jumps on the locations;

Fixed coordinates zone Orbis;


Added the ability to purchase the color name and the title of the control panel master account;

Fixed premium account;

Added the ability to change the password of your account in a master account;

Completely changed the look of KB;

Changed shop in KB, added new items;

Changed teleporter in KB;

Finally, add that work has begun on the analysis and implementation of the new additions Lineage 2: Echo!



Implementation of a map (almost done);

Revival of Trajan;

Implementation of Fortune;

The implementation of the Saviour;

Fix all the dialog off-like;

Quest Fallen Leader;

Quest to Afros.


Download: http://disk.yandex.com/public/?hash=ks4N12mdBH3DsZKOe54xmebvTbHvgJ%2BdvJgzvshUh/Q%3D

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