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New Mid-rate Server is Opened, come and try it out!

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New server is waiting for you!


Why choise? You can have the feelings of mid rate server on easy way. You will see what I mean below. Furthermore, there is only the Admin, not with corrupted GMs. Admin online all the day and hear you and care about players!





XP, SP rate: 30x

Drop rate: 10x

Adena rate: 60x

Quest Drop and Reward: 10x

Bosses Drop: 3x

Spoil: 12x


Enchant and Augment




EnchantSafeMax = 4

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4

Enchant success rate = 66%

Blessed Enchant success rate = 70%

AugmentationNGSkillChance = 5

AugmentationMidSkillChance = 15

AugmentationHighSkillChance = 30

AugmentationTopSkillChance = 40

Can have active + passive augments



Increased Inventory limit by 20 for every class

+10 Speedboost

Triple Weight limit

GM SHOP up to B grade (clan items, enchant scrolls, nobless, all seven signs mammon, etc)

NPC Buffer with all buff (except resist)

MaxBuffAmount = 30+16 dance

MaxDebuffAmount = 4

Delevel NPC

No Death Penalty (its sucks)

GM Events (like Russian Roulette, hide and seek etc.) with reward 1 day hero!

Offline shop (.offline_shop command)

Offline craft

Oly Starts 18:00 PM, ends 24:00

2 Week Oly, 24 h validation time

AutoLearn Skills without spellbooks

Allow Freight withdraw on every town

ClassMaster to change class: 1st class 100.000 adena, 2nd class 1.000.000 adena, 3rd class Quest OR 5 L2Arcturus Coin dropped by mobs

SubClass is free

Nobless from GM shop

GrandBoss Quest items in Vote shop


More and more player everyday.


Come and try us!



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