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[L2J] L2-Vanimar.com Low-Mid Rate Server OPENING 15.12 MUCH FEATURES!!

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#RateXp: 6

#RateSp: 6

#RatePartyXp: 3

#RatePartySp: 3

#RateDropAdena: 7

#RateDropItems: 7

#RateRaidDropItems: 6

#RateDropSpoil: 8

#RateDropManor: 4

#RateDropQuest: 4

#RateQuestsReward: 4

#RateExtractFish: 6




#Buffs Max: 99

#Hero Buffs: 20 min reuse time reduced

#Clanhallbuffs: 25 min

#Buffs over command channel




#Via Quest or use  Mr. Cat

#1st class transfer - cost: 100,000 Adena.

#2nd class transfer - cost: 1,000,000 Adena.

#3rd class transfer - cost: 10,000,000 Adena & 5,000,000 Ancient Adena. Reward: Giant's Codex




#Alle High Five zones working

#Alle High Five quests working

#Complet Seven Signs Quests working. 

#Complet good Geodata for High Five

#PC Bang Points

#Vitality System

#Nevit´s System

#Olympiad full High Five including Quests


#Territorial Wars

#Siegable Clanhalls

#Seed of Infinity

#Seed of Destruction

#Seed of Anihilation

#Antharas Lair and Dragon Valley including all Quests

#Sel Mahum retail


## FULL HIGH 5 ##


#Max Subclasses: 3

#Subclass Max Lvl: 80






!! Ingame !!

#Unique Enchantsystem

#Sell buff shops ( Buff classes can set privat store and sell her buffs )

#Offline shops

#Ingame Prime Shop ( But no donation )

#Server own Instances ( Toi run, Bloodsheet )

#Server own Jobsystem

#Customizable clanhalls: You can have custom NPCs


!! Web !!

#Path of Honor ( like path to awakening offi / earn rewards for reach targets )

#Community System ( earn points for be a activ part on community. points can trade against items in prime shop for example )

#Refer friend

#Server own Mob Locator with many features

#Vote Reward System




# Olympiad Cycle = 4 Weeks

# skills are reused after teleport on stadion

# fully worked observation system, including switching between stadion without back to village,

# teleport back to town right after match end


For Suggestions post here or in server forum


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