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[L2J private] PvP Area [ The best PvP expiriance in 1 server]

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Server beta start on 5 December 2012 18:00 GTM + 0


All players welcome to test server we will expect u

Server its based on PVP and very litle farm for more fun

You can expect in server

PVP color system - added ( 5 different colors )

PK color system - added ( 5 different colors )

Annonce in all server when log in game HERO, CLAN LEADER , ADMIN or GMs

10 unique events every one with different reward

PVP zones - added

FARM ZONES - added

Special Reward for everyone PVP in all zones

Special Reward for everyone game on olympiad games + standart

Olympiad games every day

Heroes status = 15 days


Safe Enchant: +5

Maximum Enchant: +18

Scroll Enchant Normal: 70%

Scroll Enchant Blessed: 75%




Max Buff a-beep-t: 36 (+4 Divine Inspiration)

Dances & Songs: 20

Auto Loot: Enabled

Player Spawn Protection: 60 Seconds

Weight Limit: 10

Max Subclasses: 3

Max Subclass Level: 85

Subclass Without Quest: Enabled

Nobless Quest: Enabled (Item in Gmshop)

Class Master: Enabled (auto POP UP)




Community Board (tons of features)

- Global Gatekeeper

- GM Shop

- Services

- Statistics

- NPC Buffer

- Account Manager

- Control Panel

Achievement system

Reward by class

Vote system

Commands (like .online/.cp / .whoami / .cfg / .event / .join and more ingame)


Olympiad Informations:


The olympiad period is 15 days.

Olympiad is from 17:00 to 24:00 everyday GTM+2



DDoS protection

Spawn Protection System


Website: http://www.l2pvparea.info/index.php?page=home








Annonce in all server when log in game HERO, CLAN LEADER , ADMIN or GMs

in every pvp server, the chat is spammed to death and you want to add announcement when a clan leader logs the game? admins, gms should be checked with an ingame command (/gmlist).


and your website doesn't work

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