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[L2J][Freya][Low Rate][Eng][Ger]L2Crafting.com

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Hello and Welcome,

In this article want we, the L2Crafting.com team , to introduce our server.


We are a small low rate server with the following base rates:

  • 8 x experience ( Exp )
  • 8 x Skill Points ( SP )
  • 10 x Item Drop
  • 12 x Adena Drop


Other rates :

  • 2 x Party Experience ( 16 x )
  • 2 x Party Skill Points ( 16 x )
  • 12 x Spoil rate
  • 3 x Quest drop
  • 8 x experiience sustaining successful quest for release.
  • 8 x Skill Points sustaining successful quest for release.
  • 10 x Adena sustaining successful quest for release.
  • 10 x Item sustaining successful quest for release.
  • 8 x Potion , Scroll , Recipe payout sustaining successful quest for release.
  • 1.5% chance to drop an Enchant Scroll ftom every type and level on the Lineage ][ World of L2Crafting.com.


Additional commands :

  • .pvp on / .pvp off - With this command can you activate or deactivate PvP. ( Only with activate PvP Status 2er and/or more Gamer is PvP out of the PvP Zone possible)
  • .buffer /.11833 -  Call our Buffer Shiela ( Only possible outside the City )
  • .tpme {playername} - Teleporting you to the wished player when the request successful answered.
  • .tphere {playername} - Teleporting the wished player to you when the request will be successful anwered.
  • .dealer / .hawker - A little runt who can bring you some needful thingst. ( Only possible outside the Cityt )
  • .resme - When you have a Scroll of Resurrection in your Inventory, Bischop comes to you and raised you to life again.
  • .away {msg} / .afk {msg} -Set you Away ( {msg} is Optional and can only be seen in the Community Board)
  • .back / .re - Set you present and you can accepts mails..
  • .myMonsters - Displays your current level of monsters killed ( All Monsters who have +/- 5 Level to the own Level will be counted)
  • .myBestHit - Shows the highest Damage at a Monster that you killedZeigt dir deinen am Höchsten gemachten Schaden an einem Monster an. ( All Monsters who have +/- 5 Level to the own Level will be counted. )
  • .unEquipeMe - When you use a Item which unfortunately has a bug, can you store it with this Command.


Tools :

  • Enchant Chest - There are at over 200 Spawnpoints with a chance always 10 Places with a Enchant Chest. rom this Chests you will get Enchant Scrolls. More Infos down under.
  • Soul Crystal Chest - Even with this Chest is the same with the spawn like the Enchant Chest. From this Chest can you get Soul Crystal Scrolls in a random Color and a Random Stage.


In addition, stand with us on the server a few custom NPCs, which we want to present here:

  • Sondy - He have all Sounds of the Lineage 2 world.
  • Shiela - Our Buffer girl, she Buff yourself and your pet or even your pet.She remember what buffs you use, and you can get thois Buffs when you click on her.. Her very special service is to come to you when you call her with .buffer or .11833 . Already it appears at you.
  • Lisa - It sets your level down if you want it.
  • Lara - At her you can exchange many things. :-)
  • Mia - You or your group would like to get a teleport? No problem, she Teleports you. She gladly accept new teleport proposals from you. How? She explaines it yor you:-)
  • Mareike - You have a recipe? On her you get the ingredients that you need for a fee. The fee get down come daily enough people to her. :-)
  • Larisa - You need urgent a pet? You can rent it by her.
  • Enchy - You can say that he has a little Black market.He enchanted your Amor and Weapons up to 100% for pay. These increases, however, with each use.
  • Rebby - Yes, what can I say about Rebby? We come to talk ybout  her again later. :-)
  • Cornelia - You can get Items for Coins from her. ( See below for explanation Coins ).
  • Smuggler - The villain of the whole server, he is so bold and walks through the world of Lineage ][ and sold Super Haste Level 1 and 2 for your skill book. This bad guy.
  • Street Hawker -  This little person sold you all the recipes and drives in every city around in the Lineage ][ world.
  • Street Vendor - Just a small guy like Street Hawker, but he sells a few other things and no recipes, and comes to you even if your typing in the chat .dealer or .hawker . ( Only outside from the city possible. )
  • Scrolly - He jumps from city to city, offering you there all possible skill books.
  • Cleary - With him you can empty your inventory for a small fee per item. Is faster and easier than any destruction or sell.


I hope those were all NPCs. If I have forgotten one, then sorry I did not mention at this point for this.



Explanation Enchant Chest :

If you do this by force (weapon or magic), open it, you have the chance to up to 10 Enchant Scrolls of type Normal, Blessed, and / or Crystal Scroll in the Grade B, A and / or S.

But you should then have the chance Deluxe Keys to up to 28 Enchant Scrolls is a key of level 8 At each stage underneath the peak is reduced by 2 per level Scrolls.

Example :

We find a hit Enchant chest, with our weapons. Out of the box than there are up to 10 Enchant Scrolls.

We open the next chest with a deluxe Key Stage 3, then we have ever had the chance to up to 18 Enchant Scrolls.

Oh, there's still a chest, now we have even found a deluxe Key stage 7. Now we have a chance at fabulous 26 Enchant Scrolls.



Explanation Soul Crystal Chest :

As with the Enchant Chest you have the chance to up to 5 Soul Crystals in the colors red, green and blue when you open it up with force (weapon or magic) and a stage 13 till 18

If you have a Deluxe Key here and are using these, then you have a chance of winning up to 14 Soul Crystals. Here again, the crowd down the deeper level is the Deluxe Key. However, this is the case with a lot one per Key Stage.

Example :

Yes a chest found. Times directly provide a devastating skill on it and what we get? Oh, just a chance to five Soulcrystals pity.

Deluxe will use the Key Stage 5, so you have the chance up to 11 Crytal Soul.

Now if you are using a deluxe Key Stage 2, there is a chance only to a maximum of 8 Soul Crystals.



Explanation Rebby :

Here in the Lineage ][ World there are two ways to get a character full.

The first way would be the standard way to learn subclasses and high levels.On this way you can became Hero.

The 2nd way would be to make two new births (Rebirth / Reset). So once back on a request with the Level 1 and new class and new race, but all skills and items remain.For this way you have to go Rebby when your level have 85 and 100% reached.

There is only one way possible, so are sure what you want.



Explanation Coins :

Coins is our Forum valuta. Coins can you earn for creating new topics and postings in the forum, recruit new members for the server or even daily votes.



Special features on L2Crafting.com :

Here are some bad Infos, but don´t worry,there are exceptions.  :-)

When it comes to a clan, then there are a few things to note.

  • To create a clan, you must be at level 85.
  • It can only be one character per account in a clan or create one.
  • The maximum on allowed clans is 20 clans currently.

But that is not so bad, we have included except of course for you time. These are small event.


Events :

  • Freya Event - For 1 Adena you get a 30 minute Vita Potion.
  • Quiz Event of Roy and Winnie the Cat - A small shop will open for you.
  • Master Yogi - Enchant his staff as high as you can and get a reward.
  • Smash The - Smash  many cats and pigs, and you can get Gold Bars or True Gold and many Glittering Medals. ( important for Scrolly ). This event is daily and all 6 hours. ( Times : 04:30 , 10:30 , 16:30 and 22:30 o'clock ( UTC +01:00 ))
  • Free Clan Join - This event is every Monday from 21:00 - 22:00 clock ( UTC +01:00 ).In these time you can go with all characters  into a clan or creating a clan.
  • Create Your Clan - Always on the 15th of the month from 18:15 till 20:15 o'clock ( UTC +01:00 ). Here's a random level is generated between 40 to 80 and the minimum level to create a clan is set to the random level.
  • Champion Season - Every Wednesday from 17:00 till 22:00 o'clock ( UTC +01:00 ) ,is  the best time to farm Glittering Medals. How many and how high the drop rate is, can you read in the Announce when its start.
  • Custom Instance Hell of Adena - Farm Money in this Arena.
  • and many more.



I think it would be all important thing you should know from the Lineage ][ World of L2Crafting.com.



Now we come to our web page.


Our design is very simple but there's a lot in the whole. :-)

Our web site allows you to combine multiple accounts (3 maximum allowed, see Server Rules) to one another and so on all accounts, and access to all the characters.

Our highlight on the web page, I would say is our arsenal and our private arsenal.


What is a Arsenal?

A arsenal is a place where you can search for a  character with his name and you can see what the character wear. ( Can individually for each character by character -> options -> not active, so this character can not be found. ).


What is that private Arsenal?

In a private arsenal you can only see your characters, and you can see what it has in inventory or in the warehouse. Click on this Item and search on all characters for this. So can you see where have this Item and how much the charcter have from this Item.

In addition, our website has a DropCalculator. There you can search for a specific monster or search for a specific item. If you're looking for a monster, you will see there what it can drop.If you look for an Item, you can see the monster who drop it. .


Then we have the Maps. There you will have several opportunities maps :

  • NPC / Monster Search - Here you can find monsters and NPCs and / or after a certain level range or grade level and see where they are hiding.
  • Raid Boss Map - Here you can also grade level or level radius after you can view the raid bosses and their status.
  • Grand Bosse - Here you can see all Grand bosses and their status.
  • Spieler Online - Here can you see all online Gamers on the map.
  • Offline Trader - You are looking for characters who are off and have a shop? Here you are right.


So I think that should be enough now, and I hope we have convinced you with this "small" text on our server.


We are excited about your visit and we hope we can say in the next time hello to you on our server.


The L2Crafting.com Team



  • 2 weeks later...

1 thing to say : server = bullcrap


No one said that you must play on it. It's your opinion and this you may like to keep for yourself instead of being offensive.





Short Notice :


Join us fast to get 10 presents in the next 10 days who is Santa and Santa's Helper on our Server.

  • 2 weeks later...

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