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Client: Lineage II INTRLUDE(c6)

Style: Angels vs Demons.

Zone's Changed every 30 Minutes New Zone 13 maps.

Players Can vote for another Zone.

In The End of Zone the Faction with The Most PvP kills Will rewarded.

Starting Adena (0).

Spawn Protection 20sec.

Starting Level (78).

Anti Heavy System, Dagger, tyrant, and bow classes won't be able to equip heavy type armours.

We have faction points system: top three players of the round get special rewards and top faction of the round receive special rewards too.

Adena can be earned by killing other faction members or being best player of the round..

Skill Points (needed to enchant your skills and to rise your clan level) can be received by capturing flags.

Faction Points can be received in many ways too - pvp, ctf.

Adena rewards on pvp is multipled by flags count which belongs to your faction. If your faction have two flags then reward will be = 4 Adena.

Adena rewards also will be increased if your clan owns the one of three castles.

You can play with dualbox, but if your box character will be in your party, he won't receive any reward.

We have protections against pvp farm, so don't worry about perfect gameplay.

Clan Hall Sieges Castle Sieges (Only 3 Castles).

Chaos Event superhaste 3 LvL.

Hero aura PvP 6 kiils.

Max Level 80.

MidSkillChance 10%,HighSkillChance 13%,TopSkillChance 22%.

FactionEnchantScrollsDropChance 8%.

Wepon Augmentations.

Dueling System.


Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes.

Active and experienced development/GMteam!.

International community.

44 Buff Slots.

Cat and Horse buff selft.



Full GM Shop.

Full Buffer.

Global Gate Keeper.

Skill Enchanter Manager.


Class Manager.

Weding Manager.



Enchant rates

Safe Enchant: +4.

Weapon Max Enchant: +16.

Armor Max Enchant: +16.

Jewels Max Enchant: +16.

Normal/Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 75%

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