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This is a server i have played since it started 10.08.2012 time 20:00 GT+1, im not gm or admin on this server but i like it so much that i think it will be a hit here ;).. it have 30 - 60 players online 27/7, and 2/4 of them are offline shops so this server need badly new players.


This is my first l2 freya server i have tryed without any bugs whats so ever!, no lags, active gm`s that is not visible for the general population they let players be players and gm/admin be staff.


no corruption that i now of, but there is one ùper clan that own`s the server so pleas come and fight!




  -=| Hardware : |=-



Memmory (RAM) : 4 Gb

Connection : 30 mb/s

HDD : 80 Gb


-=| Server Info : |=-

-=| Lineage ][ - ORION -

Real PvP Server|=-

Why you should join?

-No lag

-95% of classes balanced... (daliy updates for perfect balance)

-98% of skills balanced

-Maley unique custom features

-No rolback

-Easy farm

-Maley auto and gm events

-Helpful Staff


Information about Server



Server Rates

-Xp Rate x 100

-Sp Rate x 200

-Max 85

-PvP increasing Exp.

-Adena Drop x1000

-Party XP x1.5

-Party SP x1.5

-Drop&Spoil x15 -Karma to Drop min 6

-Drop Rate Item,Weap,Equip - 50%,40%,10%


-Augmentation Mid LS Skill Chance = 40%

-Augmentation High LS Skill Chance = 60%

-Augmentation Top LS Skill Chance = 80%



Safe enchant +3

Max enchant +16

Normal scroll chance - 65 %

Blessed scroll chance - 75%

Attribute stone chance - 50 %




Server Features

Custom Item Stats

-Cloak of Castle (Increase mDef, pDef, speed ,HP.)



-Custom NPC for clan/ally system

-Clan level max 11

-Territory War System

-All Castle/Fortress Working

Sieges weekly.

-Clan Penalty 1 day

-Ally Penalty 1 day

-Max clan in Ally = 3

-Members in clan for war =10

-Members for increase clan - 1

-Custom Rep Point System

Custom Features

-New Freya Raid Boss (Ice Queen,Torumba,Dopagen,Taklakan)

-Raid Boss 75-87lvl new custom drop (about 50 RB )

-Luxury Shop Dynasty/vesper/Moirai/Vorpal/Elegia

-Crafting system Dynasty/vesper/Moirai/Vorpal

-SoD, SoI, SoA Area

-Helbbound Area

-Paliaka & Kamaloka Instance

-IoP Instances

-HB Instances

-PvP & PK rewards coin



-Team Vs. Team (TVT) event


-Monster Elpies

-Hide Rabbits

-Monster Race

-Daily Gm Events


-New character start with 1kk adena

-Max Free Subclasses = 3 ,max level of subclass = 83

-PvP/Pk message into chat box

-Kill strike system

-Every PvP give 1 PVP Coin - u can trade them in Shop NPC

-Every PK give 1 PK Coin - u can trade them in Shop NPC


-Max Runspeed = 300

-Max A.speed = 1600

-Max C.speed = 1999

-Max Evasion = 200

-Normal character inventory slots = 100 ,Dwarf = 200

-Unstuck comMaled = 100 sec


~Vote Rewald !!!!!!

-Nobless with Quest

-Subclass Free


-Apig & Gold Apiga system Coin = Normal Coin that use in GM Shop

-Event Apig & Event Gold Apiga system Coin = Special Coin that use in Luxury SHop


-Olympiad 100 % working

Anti dualbox protection


-All skills work on 95 %

-Forgotten Scrolls buy in GMshop


Custom NPC


Fake Player NPC - they look like normal players, its rly interesting to see such npc


-Gm Shop

-Luxury Shop


-Global Gatekeeper

-Profile Buffer in Town

-Luxury Bufer in Castle & Fortress

-Class Changer

-Top PK &VP&Clan NPC

-Wedding Manager


Server Protections

-l2 Wallker Protection

-All flood protections

-Spawn Protection = 30sec

-Bad Word Protection

-Olympiad Protection

-TvT Event Protection

-PvP farming Protection

-Dualbox ON

-Buff delay



All credits to [AD]Bulwa for the information in center


http://www.l2orion.pl , Warning don`t judge the server by the webpage(it looks horrible).


and if anyone whant to pm me in-game, my nick on the server is: Mizzy ;)

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