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interlude L2Sanctuary Interlude - Awesome Features Tomorrow 19:00 +2 GTM!!Do Not Loose it!

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Its not that i cant wait its that we were waiting this for a lot of days and now u are letting us down lol..Now we dont have anywhere to join till then.

im sure they have problem's and they need +++ im sure srv will open with problem's!

Guys,wtf first read the post and then answer.


Also we are making a beta server to test it and hear ur problems and ur opinions so we can make some changes if it is necesery.


Hello we have two good news and one bad,the bad think is that the server will have a small delay.Server gonna be on at 03/09/2012.The first reason is that we dont want to open the server with out DDos protection and after the grand opening all players complain about the server and our protection.So please be patient for 7 days.The reason that we dont have DDos protection yet it's because the company at slovakia have a local celebration and they are closed for 3 days and they can't install the protection.Im glad to tell that our site will be on in some hours so we can discuss everythink in our forum.Also we are making a beta server to test it and hear ur problems and ur opinions so we can make some changes if it is necesery. Best regards L2Sanctuary Staff!

There is gonna be a huge advertise on 100 Top sites Also our server Forum gonna have big community







Please Try to Understand us! thanks!

              Best Regards

        Lineage][sanctuary Team


There will not have any problem,Just we are waiting your DDOS company to protect us,and as i say before there will be a ''BETA TEST''.



Open it tomorrow at 19:00 GMT +2 same time like server would open and keep it up till 2 of the month and open it at 3..Otherwise dont expect many ppl to ur srv..at least till then we can pvp..

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