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High Five ( H5 ) Launch date - 11/08/2011


3 subclasses for 1 character ( Lv 85 for subclass )


Geodata server: new smart quality geodata & pathnode


Olympiad system - starting from 18:00 - 23:00


Olympiad system - heroes are formed every 2 weeks


Max enchant weapon +16 rate of succes is 60%, safe till +3


Max enchant armor +12 rate of succes 80% , safe till +6


Blessed Scroll of Enchant: weapon - 70% | armor - 90%


Custom zones: Adena zone, PVP zone, Apiga zone, Gm zone


Buffer 4 hours buff time includes 6 schemes - 32+4+12


Newbies characters have better items + 1 Aghation


Augumenter in every town with full items on sale


Events: Quiz, Team vs. Team, Capture the Base, etc.


No drop at any karma value


Some npcs look like players


Weight limit increased 5x, space limit 200


Class manager give 1 giants codex at 3rd class


All subclasses can be changed at every high priest


Tattoos have special abilities


Community Board with color


18 auto events comming iun 2011


New more updates soon...






Tattoos have special abilities

All i hate custom things which ruin every server. Think it one more time about them. Good luck btw

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