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[Request] Signature - Ted is Real #Thunder Buddies


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Hello all! I need a signature, with theme Ted.

I don't have any actual render but i got these images.

If someone can do something with them would be appreciated.

Theme: Ted

Size: Whatever fits better. But a size like Bon Jovi's that I use would be perfect.

Colours: Your choice as well

Text: BonJovi - Ted

Sub: #F*ck you thunder










Your award will be +1 Reputation Point.

Thanks for attention,


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I'll try making something :P

Okay Drac thank you a lot ;)

In order to take action I need a cookie too

I didn't what you mean at all but anyway! I'll try to send you a packet of cookies in Patra xD

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So Drac can make a sig for a stupid bear and not for my Susan. Gtfo bro.

Gtfo yourself bro.When I wanted to gift u q tag with Susan u said there no editing that can be added to the beauty of her

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Gtfo yourself bro.When I wanted to gift u q tag with Susan u said there no editing that can be added to the beauty of her

You're right.


I mean I want this 1_insuh_wifebeater_595.jpg in HD.


Not a sig with effects etc.

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