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Well here's a short summary:


Nwatch is a Lineage2 php script that connects to your gameserver and displays all kinds of information about your community.



*shows character information: level, xp, cp/hp/mp bar, pvp/pk, subclasses, skills, inventory, clan, equipped items...

*shows clan's information: members (ordered by online/offline), level, clanhall or castle they possess, clan skills, alliance name...

*shows clanhall information: complete list of all clanhalls. Who owns them, which are free, date of payment cycle...

*shows Castle information: Occupied castles and clan names (and their leaders), available clans, date of siege, date until you can sign for siege

*shows TOP 100 pvp/pk: All character names are linked to char lookup and clan lookup.


It supports chronicles from Interlude to Gracia Epilogue.  8)



You can read more about it here:


or do a preview here




width=300http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4141/inventoryc.png[/img] width=300http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/9049/clank.png[/img]

This is how CHARACTER and CLAN lookup look like.


width=300http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/2209/clanhall.png[/img] width=300http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/8482/castleg.png[/img]

Clanhall and castle lookup.



Top100 pvp/pk.


It's currently available ONLY for l2j servers.

L2off version is in progress.



How to register?

Registration is currently disabled until version 2.0 comes out. Stay alert!

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