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Hey, what's up?!  ;D


  My "name" iz KeepDaFaith i'm 19 to 20 years old from Greece :) and i found that forum from a friend. I search that forum a lot and i think that you can learn a lot of things and make your knowledge bigger. However i've been playing mainly games like Lineage ][ and some other times Counter Strike or something like this. The reason why i'm here it's because i've been thinking that the IT sector is very good and especially gaming section is highly upgraded, learning something about how games are created and make things better, it's a good think for all of us (who are playing)!

  So that's me and i hope a good stay in that forum with a lot of discussions and happy time doing things that we like!


See ya around! Cheers!  8)






Oh, welcome :p

He ruins the masterpiece, (i think you know for what I am talking about xD) change da to the would be perfect :D


To change my "name" from KeepDaFaith to KeepTheFaith.

Oh yeah sure, of course you can, all gotta do is to pm Maxtor and ask him for a rename, but why you used KDF instead of KTF? xD

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