Valve Posted May 1, 2012 Posted May 1, 2012 It may be a little outdated, but it's for testing purposes :) /* Name: cZuBzix Copyright: 2011 Author: cZuBzix Date: 09-02-11 16:10 Description: Css Cheat Design */ #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include "SDK.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { system("title EnnionHack V1.0"); std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " EnnionHack V1.0" << std::endl; std::cout << " Copyright 2011" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " Credits:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " - cZuBzix" << std::endl; std::cout << " - Kevin@" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " Looking for Counter-Strike: Source HL2.EXE Window . . ." << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << " EEEEEEEE HHHH HHHH 11111 0000" << std::endl; std::cout << " EEEE HHHH HHHH 111111 00 00" << std::endl; std::cout << " EEEEEEEE HHHHHHHHHH ==== 1111 00 00" << std::endl; std::cout << " EEEE HHHH HHHH 1111 00 00" << std::endl; std::cout << " EEEEEEEE HHHH HHHH 1111 () 0000" << std::endl; system("PAUSE>null"); return 0; { #undef GetAsyncKeyState #undef GetCursorPos bool hack; QAngle angles; bool EnemyVisible; C_BaseEntity *Target; /* Returns a specified column from a matrix3x4_t */ Vector MatrixColumn(const matrix3x4_t &Matrix, int Column) { return Vector(Matrix[0][Column], Matrix[1][Column], Matrix[2][Column]); } /* Returns a Vector of a bone; NOTE: Will return Vector() if it cannot get the bone, NOT SAFE */ bool GetBonePositions(IClientEntity* Entity, int Bone, Vector &vBone) { matrix3x4_t Matrix[128]; if(Bone < 0 || Bone >= 20 || !Entity || Entity->IsDormant() || !Entity->SetupBones(Matrix, 128, 0x00000100, 0)) return false; vBone = MatrixColumn(Matrix[bone], 3); return true; } DWORD *HookVFunc(DWORD *vtable, int index, DWORD *newFunction) { DWORD dwOldProt, *oldFunc; VirtualProtect(&vtable[index], 4, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProt); oldFunc=(DWORD*)vtable[index]; vtable[index]=(DWORD)newFunction; VirtualProtect(&vtable[index], 4, dwOldProt, &dwOldProt); return oldFunc; } void (__stdcall *oHudUpdate)(bool); void _stdcall xHudUpdate(bool bActive) { double DistHolder[1024]; C_BaseEntity *EntHolder[1024]; memset(DistHolder, 0, sizeof(DistHolder)); memset(EntHolder, 0, sizeof(EntHolder)); double Distance = 0; C_BaseEntity* ClosestTarget; bool EnemyVisible = false; Vector Predict; Predict.Init(0,0,0); trace_t Trace; Ray_t Ray; Ray.Init(0, 0); double smallestp; double smallesty; double Distance2 = 0; double Last; QAngle aimangles; aimangles.Init(0,0,0); matrix3x4_t Matrix[128]; matrix3x4_t pBoneToWorld; Vector num; num.Init(); HANDLE hnd = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); QAngle angleholder; angleholder.Init(); QAngle Botangles; Botangles.Init(0,0,0); Vector vectorholder; vectorholder.Init(); IClientEntity* MyEnt = NULL; IClientEntity* EnemyEnt = NULL; C_BaseEntity* MyBaseEnt = NULL; C_BaseEntity* EnemyBaseEnt = NULL; C_BaseEntity* Target = NULL; Vector playpos; playpos.Init(0,0,0); Vector playpos2; playpos2.Init(0,0,0); double xdist = 0; double ydist = 0; double zdist = 0; double xang = 0; double yang = 0; angles.x=0; angles.y=0; angles.z=0; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)&1) { hack=!hack; if(hack && pEngineClient->IsInGame()) { ConMsg(0,"Aimbot turned on\n"); WriteText(hnd,"Aimbot turned on"); pEngineClient->SetRestrictClientCommands(false); pEngineClient->ClientCmd("sv_cheats 1;r_visualizetraces 1"); } if(!hack) { ConMsg(0,"Aimbot turned off\n"); WriteText(hnd,"Aimbot turned off"); pEngineClient->ClientCmd("r_visualizetraces 0"); } } if(!pEngineClient->IsInGame() && hack) { hack=false; WriteText(hnd,"Out of game or dead, aimbot turned off"); } if(!hack) { Target=NULL; MyEnt=NULL; MyBaseEnt=NULL; EnemyEnt=NULL; } else if(hack) { EnemyVisible = false; playpos2.Init(0,0,0); if(pEngineClient->IsInGame()) { ClosestTarget=NULL; Target=NULL; MyEnt=NULL; MyBaseEnt=NULL; EnemyEnt=NULL; EnemyBaseEnt=NULL; Distance = 0; Distance2 = 0; for(int i=2;i<=EntList->NumberOfEntities(true);i++) { EnemyEnt = EntList->GetClientEntity(i); MyEnt = EntList->GetClientEntity(1); MyBaseEnt = (C_BaseEntity*)MyEnt; EnemyVisible = false; if(EnemyEnt!=NULL) { EnemyBaseEnt = (C_BaseEntity*)EnemyEnt; if(EnemyBaseEnt->IsBot()) { if(EnemyBaseEnt->GetTeamNumber() != MyBaseEnt->GetTeamNumber()) { WriteText(hnd,"Target found"); if(GetBonePositions((IClientEntity*)EnemyBaseEnt,14,playpos2)){} if(GetBonePositions((IClientEntity*)MyBaseEnt,14,playpos)){} ClosestTarget = EnemyBaseEnt; if(ClosestTarget==NULL) continue; xdist = playpos2.x-playpos.x; ydist = playpos2.y-playpos.y; zdist = playpos2.z-playpos.z; if(xdist<0) { yang = ((atan(ydist/xdist)*57.29578)+180); } if(xdist>0) { yang = (atan(ydist/xdist)*57.29578); } xang = (atan(zdist/dist(playpos.x,playpos.y,playpos2.x,playpos2.y))*-57.29578); angles.Init(xang,yang,0); aimangles = MyBaseEnt->GetAbsAngles(); Botangles.Init(xang,yang,0); smallestp = abs(aimangles.x-Botangles.x); smallesty = abs(aimangles.y-Botangles.y); Distance2 = smallestp+smallesty; if(i==2) { Target = ClosestTarget; Distance = Distance2; } if(Distance2<Distance) { Distance = Distance2; Target = ClosestTarget; } if(GetBonePositions((IClientEntity*)Target,14,playpos2)){} if(GetBonePositions((IClientEntity*)MyBaseEnt,14,playpos)){} xdist = playpos2.x-playpos.x; ydist = playpos2.y-playpos.y; zdist = playpos2.z-playpos.z; if(xdist<0) { yang = ((atan(ydist/xdist)*57.29578)+180); } if(xdist>0) { yang = (atan(ydist/xdist)*57.29578); } xang = (atan(zdist/dist(playpos.x,playpos.y,playpos2.x,playpos2.y))*-57.29578); angles.Init(xang,yang,0); Ray.Init(playpos,playpos2); Tracer->TraceRay(Ray,MASK_SHOT,0,&Trace); } } } else if(EnemyEnt==NULL && i==EntList->NumberOfEntities(true)) { break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)) //Aimbot core code { if (playpos2.x+playpos2.y!=0) { WriteText(hnd,"Target is Visible"); pEngineClient->SetViewAngles(angles); WriteText(hnd,"Aiming..."); } } } } oHudUpdate(bActive); } int MainThread() { AllocConsole(); HANDLE hnd = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); while(!GetModuleHandle("engine.dll")) { Sleep(100); } WriteText(hnd,"Engine.dll module found"); //IVEngineClient CreateInterfaceFn pEngInt = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("engine.dll"), "CreateInterface"); pEngineClient = (IVEngineClient *)pEngInt(VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION,NULL); //IEngineTrace CreateInterfaceFn TraceInt = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("engine.dll"),"CreateInterface"); Tracer = (IEngineTrace *)TraceInt(INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_CLIENT,NULL); while(!GetModuleHandle("gameui.dll")) { Sleep(100); } WriteText(hnd,"gameui.dll module found"); //IGameConsole CreateInterfaceFn ConCreateInterface = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("gameui.dll"), "CreateInterface"); g_pIGameConsole = (IGameConsole *)ConCreateInterface(GAMECONSOLE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); while(!GetModuleHandle("client.dll")) { Sleep(100); } WriteText(hnd,"client.dll module found"); //IClientEntityList CreateInterfaceFn EntListInt = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("client.dll"), "CreateInterface"); EntList = (IClientEntityList *)EntListInt(VCLIENTENTITYLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); //IBaseClientDLL CreateInterfaceFn IBaseInt = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("client.dll"),"CreateInterface"); HudUpdateHook = (DWORD *)IBaseInt(CLIENT_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION,NULL); oHudUpdate = (void (__stdcall *)(bool))HookVFunc(*(DWORD**)HudUpdateHook, 9,(DWORD*) &xHudUpdate); if(pEngineClient == NULL || g_pIGameConsole == NULL || EntList == NULL) { MessageBox(0,"Error","Error",0); return 0; } while(!pEngineClient->Con_IsVisible()) { g_pIGameConsole->Show(); } g_pIGameConsole->Clear(); ConMsg(0,"------------------------------\n| CSS Offline Aimbot Loaded |\n------------------------------\n\n"); while(1) //main aimbot loop { Sleep(50); } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { if( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { CreateThread( NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MainThread, NULL, NULL, NULL); } system("PAUSE"); return EXIT_SUCCESS, TRUE; } Quote
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