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[SHARE]Dragon-Network OOG bot - UPDATE 12/11/2011

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This is the new version (real , not those not working and full of viruses) , 90% working

Bot attaks mobs

Bot takes and ends party invite

Bot spoils and assists

Pack cointans also maps....



Print screen made today... (check date time and server time on walker window)





~For windows 7 you must wight click on l2w_load and "run as administartor" if you ont you will get some weird error and bot will not connect

~To use bot, do not open l2walker, open l2w_load and it will open walker.

~most of antivirus software will say its a virus, all walkers are detected as viruses, its NOT a virus, but use at your own risk!

~have fun ig


Download link:





1. Dont see inventory

2. Dont use SSS

3. lags when hitting

4. About antivirus ^^ Kasper see 3 different Trojan (~most of antivirus software will say its a virus, all walkers are detected as viruses, its NOT a virus, but use at your own risk!)


This Version is S-UCKS! Do not attacks mob, just write japanese symbols.It attacks every thenth,twentieth mob. Can not use SS. Auto Assist is habitually late. It is not 90%, in preference 40% working.

I started with l2w_load.exe . I did with 5 walkers in party. IT happened,like i wrote. It is in english language. When do not attack mobs, then writes japanese or whatelse asian symbols. I did exectly how u wrote!

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