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Yes my dear,i were for Ant Queen early that day and guess what?!was not spawned!4 hours later,without any annoncement that AQ was spawned,i see that clan with epics,maybe Ant Queen was spawned on Baium's lair?my bad.Only that 2 epics?you must be kidding and selling lies to future players.Hope they will consider this before joining,as about me and my clan-out,thanx.


Don't scam to ruin server..Server is growing and there is nothing abnormaly happens. AQ and all other Epics and Raids was spawned how they should. And players know that thats why server is Daily growing.

L2 Flames of Glory never had and never will have Corruption.


you have 3 posts at maxcheaters there is nothing more to say....


I've got no reason to ruin your server,i was a player of your server,and i'd been stay there if your friends-players would't be full geared so early.Take an advice and don't give items to an early-game,it's way to obivious.


And about my posts,i don't find it relevant.It's my decision if i post,when,or where.


thank you.


Yup,my aim in life it's to ruin your server.

I'm not an Admin,and ain't got time for lies,already lost a lot of time with this 1 month server.

Anyway,wishin' you the best with your server.

p.s sorry for repeating it,think more next time before sharing items to your friends.


best regards

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