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Several days ago L2 Orchid stepped cautiously (but safely) into it's LiVE Stage, after a thorough prep that was carried out throughout the BETA Stage. Without further ado, here is L2 Orchid:


  • Clean Interlude
  • Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil 10x, Quest 1x/Adena 25x, Safe enchant +4 / Max +20, Regular Scroll 66% chance , Blessed Scroll 70 %, Stackable Greater Swift Attack Potion, Off-hand parry daggers.
  • Quest items required for the 1st and 2nd Class changes are available at the Luxury Shop traders in Giran castle town, Soul crystals have been removed from shops, you can obtain them by quest only, with a 40% chance to increase their level.

You will find a whole new server, with enhanced functionality and superior game play.

Special thanks to everyone that participated in our effort to keep the server alive, instead of trying to ruin everything. Thank you for staying with us. Last, but not least, lets have fun, shall we ? (L2Orchid Staff)


Visit L2 Orchid at http://www.l2orchid.com


Yeach beta with out wipe, gg ;)

BETA took place under the same conditions as the server is currently carrying. For me it's plain obvious that new players can outdo the progress beta testers achieved until now.

L2 Orchid has a more tempered comunity with a steady growth.

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