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Site: https://www.l2venom.com

IRC: irc.l2venom.com port 6667



We try to retain as much retail features as possible, with the exception of the increased rates. The server is hosted in the United States. We are a very new server which was just launched just earlier this week. (On July 5th)




Exp: 15x

SP: 15x

Drop: 7x

Spoil: 7x

Adena: 15x






5x Quest Rewards

You have to do the class change quests, but note in mind that the second class change quest can be skipped via a shortcut quest (reduced price)





no GM shops BUT luxury shop in Giran sell A and B grade as per retail

Working sieges

Working Gracia content, such as seed of destruction, seed of infinity, seed of annihilation, etc.

Working instances

Clan system work as per retail and can obtain to level 11

Event token shop where you can buy vitality potions

GMs will be hosting events where you can obtain event tokens

Retail like enchants

Hate GM Corruption? We do too! We will be adding public GM logs in the near future so players can review GM actions.

Server is run by experienced and professional developers/sysadmins.

No overpowered donation rewards!



We will be added more events to the server as time progresses and GMs will also be hosting their own events where you can win event tokens.

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