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Exp: 3000x


Adena: 3000x

Max Enchant: 25

Safe Enchant: 4

Enchant Rate: 80~90%



Weapons, armors e equipes:

Titanium Armor (Ropa iniciante)

Dynasty Armor (Ropa Top)

Epic Weapon (Arma top, unica arma custom do jogo)

Mascaras com defesa contra fight e mage.

Tato mage e fight, inicial e top.


Itens crafters:

Event - Medal

Event - Glittering Medal



Gludin, drop zone de paz.

Primavel isle, area drop.

Primavel isle, area PvP.



GM Shop (Venda de todos itens)

Custom shop (Venda de itens top)

Npc buffer FREE (Somente buffs básicos)

Npc buffer VIP (Todos buffs, eu dice todos)

Getekeeper Global (Teleport para todas areas)



Olympiad somente até grade S, customs não! De 15 em 15 dias formação de heros.

Siege: somente Rune, Aden e Giran liberados.

Todos os itens são craftáveis, nada de "Donator mata todo mundo".

Classes parcialmente balanceadas, se encontrar alguma desbalanceada arrumamos!

Eventos diários, eventos feitos por gm a cada 1 semana ou mais.


Venha se divertir conosco!







Exp: 3000x


Adena: 3000x

Max Enchant: 25

Safe Enchant: 4

Enchant Rate: 80~90%



Weapons, armors:

Titanium Armor (Armor beginner)

Dynasty Armor (Armor Top)

Epic Weapon (Weapon top, only weapon custom game)

Masks with defense fight and mage.

Tattoo mage and fight, initial and top.


Itens crafters:

Event - Medal

Event - Glittering Medal



Gludin, drop zone of peace.

Primavel isle, area drop and PVP.



GM Shop (Sale of all items)

Custom shop (Sale Items top)

Npc buffer FREE (Only basic buffs)

Npc buffer VIP (All buffs)

Getekeeper Global (Teleport to all areas)



Olympiad only up to S grade, no customs! From 15 to 15 days training heros.

Siege: Rune only Aden and Giran released.

All items are crafts, no "donator kill everybody."

Classes partially balanced, unbalanced to find some neat!

Daily events, events made ​​by gm every 1 week or more.


Come have fun with us!






too high enchants

customs give crazy stats

malaria and flu lvl 4 in buffer ?!

1418 casting for tank - 1500 for overlord base ?!


olympiad only s grade is ok, all other kinda suck.



good luck tho



rest in peace server. you lived a little bit over 2 hours or so. damn those kids are getting faster and faster at failing ^^

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