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Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil 10x, Quest 1x/Adena 25x, Safe enchant +4 / Max +20, Regular Scroll 66% chance , Blessed Scroll 70 %, Stackable Greater Swift Attack Potion, NPC Buffer ( pp buffs only ). Bufftime 1 hour, Dances and Songs 10 minutes.


We also have a Rebirth System , wich basicly awards you a custom skill that will improove your fighting abilities , however it is not easy to obtain .


Wedding System , Offline shops/crafting , 2 boxes allowed ( main character + 1 )


Quest items required for the 1st and 2nd Class changes are available at the Luxury Shop traders in Giran castle town, Soul crystals have been removed from shops, you can obtain them by quest only, with a 40% chance to increase their level.


And many, many, many more.


Come visit us! http://www.l2orchid.com/


Beta stage end ?


BtW donation rocks ! :


Ring of Core = 40 EUR

Ring of Ant Queen = 60 EUR

Ring of Baium = 80 EUR

Earring of Orfen = 40 EUR

Earring of Zaken = 60 EUR

Earring of Antharas = 80 EUR

Necklace of Valakas = 100 EUR

Necklace of Frintezza = 100 EUR


80 lvl Character + 3rd Class = 50 EUR



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