Luffy® Posted June 19, 2011 Posted June 19, 2011 OPENING DATE: 22.06.2011 year at 21:00pm GMT+2 SERVER SITE: L2Exitium Freya Free Public Server! Features Rates: XP:300, SP:300, ADENA:300, PARTY:1.5, QUEST:15 Normal Enchant : 66% Blessed Enchant : 88% Max Weapon Enchant : 20 Max Armor & Jewls Enchant : 16 RateConsumableCost = 1 RateDropItems = 15 RateRaidDropItems = 10 RateDropSpoil = 15 RateDropManor = 15 RateExtractFish = 15 RateKarmaExpLost = 1 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 30 RateQuestDrop = 5 RateQuestRewardXP = 1 RateQuestRewardSP = 1 RateQuestRewardAdena = 5 RateQuestReward = 5 RateQuestRewardPotion = 5 RateQuestRewardScroll = 5 RateQuestRewardRecipe = 1 RateQuestRewardMaterial = 1 ********************** Server: GMShop till S-Grade NPC with all materials and keymats (need only recipe for s80-s84 sets) Custom Quests (for getting recipes s80-s84 more info in our website) No Custom Items Buff time 2h Olympiad Works 100% Sieges Works 100% Fortress Works 100% Skills Works 95% CTF / TVT Engine Every 2 Hour Max Ally 3 Max Sub 3 Sub Class System LvL 85 Software We are running on the latest version of L2J Project with alot own edits. That is a private lineage 2 pack writed on java language Hardware RAM 16 GB DDR3 Internet Connection 1000 Up / Down Traffic Unlim. Intel Core i7 920 2.66Ghz (1) Hard Disk 1500 GB 7.200 RPM (2) Hard Disk 1000 GB 7.200 RPM (3) Hard Disk 128 GB SSD (Windows Hard Disk) 40 GB SSD And that is not it! This list will be updated recently, so do not miss all those cool features and join us NOW! Stay tuned!
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