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Server open in 15 July


You can help us by post - what chronicle do you prefer   between " Interlude and Hellbound "


Interlude or Hellbound -  


General Information:

Quick overview of our server.


-15x Experience , 15x Skill Points , 15x Adena , 15x Drop, 15x Spoil.

-Safe enchant +3.

-Enchant rate with normal enchant scroll 65% , 75% with blessed enchant scroll.

-There are not custom items.

-NPC buffer ( 1st and 2nd month only).

-Main quests with 4x drop ammount

-1st, 2nd and 3rd Class items quest for sell

-Stuck Subclass 1+1 (only same race)

-Noble Quest Retail (some quest items in shop)

-Sieges: Every 2 Weekend

-Olympiad Period: 1 month

-All Raid Boss Epic Work

-Raids Respawn Time: Like Retail

-Epics Respawn Time: Like Retail

-Clan Skills

-Buff slots: 24+4

-Shops B grade Full ( C / B /  )


Stack a class to your main class, from your own race





Servers Features:



-Powerfull dedicated server, Xeon Quad ( i7 core ), 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB SSD.

-1GB Connection / 120 Mbits Internet Link


I'm not Admin/GM  they request me to post this info...

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