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[share]Modification L2phx 3.5.5 (official continuation of the program)

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Log message: (translate Ru - Eng)

Tick Kamael-helbound-gracia settings will ustanavlivatsya automatically after selecting the protocol. with its status can be changed after selecting the protocol.

did build

FASTSCRIPT - scripting library containing 4 programming language

FastScript - a library for scripting. It will be helpful for developers who want to add scripting ability to their projects.


FastScript written entirely in 100% Object Pascal and can be installed in Borland Delphi 4-2009, Borland C + + Builder 4-6, Borland Kylix 1-3 and Lazarus.


Maximum flexibility and power


Unique opportunities FastScript - ability to use several languages (currently - PascalScript, C + + Script, JScript and BasicScript), you can write scripts using your favorite programming language. FastScript does not use Microsoft Scripting Host, so it can be used both in Windows, and in Linux.


FastScript combines cross-platform, fast code execution, small footprint, rich selection of features and excellent scalability. Make your applications flexible and powerful FastScript!




OLE support

variant arrays

hierarchy of classes and functions

code editor with syntax highlighting and bookmarks

Multi-language architecture allows you to use multiple languages (currently - PascalScript, C + + Script, JScript, BasicScript). You can add any other procedure-oriented languages (their description is stored in XML-format)

possibility of creation and execution of multilingual scripts

Standard language set: variables, constants, procedures, functions (with the possibility of nesting) with var / const / default parameters, all standard operators and ads (including case, try / finally / except, with), types (int, float, bool, char, string, multi-dimensional array, variant), classes (with methods, events, properties, indices and default properties).

check the compatibility of types.

Access to any object in your application. Standard libraries for access to base classes, controls, forms and database. Easily expandable library architecture.

Compact - 80-150Kb depending on used modules.






Additional components to take here -> Components


/ upd:

compilation of recent revisions need JCL, JVCL (link above) as well as:

jwapi2.2a, SyntEdit, TRichView.v11.0 + ScaleRichView.v2.0, TsiLang ( ) http://upload.com.ua/get/901032112/]Revision[/url]

Few stripped FastScript look in the file archive.


Modified files: 3.5.x/Build/plugins






<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / EN">



<title> 10. Packet Filter </ title>

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="WinCHM">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1251">


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<BODY> <FONT Face=Arial size=2>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial size=2> <FONT color=#003f7d> </ FONT> <FONT size=5> <FONT

face = Arial color = # 003f7d> More \ packet filter </ FONT> <FONT size=3> <FONT

style = "BACKGROUND-COLOR: # ffffff">










<P> </ P>

<P> Appearance: </ P>

<P> <IMG Alt="" src="PSD/pfilter.jpg"> </ P>

<P> Contains a list of packages in the current packetXX.ini with the ability to hide their

from the list of packets in the frame connection. </ P>

<P> 1. Destination <BR> 2. Save settings in Options.ini and reloads lists

packets frames in all compounds. <BR> 3. Notes all / Inverts marked in

the current tab. </ P> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ BODY>

</ html>



<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / EN">



<title> 16. Language </ title>

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="WinCHM">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1251">


</ head>


<BODY> <FONT Size=2 face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Size=2> <FONT color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT> <FONT size=5> <FONT

color = # 003f7d face = Arial> Help \ Language </ FONT> <FONT size=3> <FONT

style = "BACKGROUND-COLOR: # ffffff"> <FONT color=#003f7d> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d> </ FONT> <FONT face=Arial>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Color=#003f7d> </ FONT>


</ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT>

<P> </ P>

<P> look: </ P>

<P> <IMG Alt="" src="PSD/languageselect.jpg"> </ P>

<P> change the interface language to the target. </ P> </ BODY>

</ html>


Conection Frame

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / EN">



<title> "frame" connections </ title>

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="WinCHM">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1251">


</ Head>



<P> <FONT Size=2> <FONT color=#003f7d face=Arial> </ FONT> <FONT size=5> <FONT

color = # 003f7d face = Arial> "frame" connections </ FONT> <FONT size=3>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial> </ FONT>

<P> <FONT Face=Arial>






</ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT> </ FONT>

<P> </ P>

<P> Common element for connections, view logs. </ P>

<P> <FONT Size=2> <FONT color=#004a95> <STRONG> Disclaimer <BR> </ STRONG> Why

"Frame"? - Because every such element is dynamically created for each

connection / open the log and the objects contained therein are at the instance of

object tFrame. </ FONT> </ FONT> </ P>

<P> <STRONG> Appearance of the main window with several compounds and

open ravine with displaying an instance of the frame connection. </ STRONG> </ P>

<P> <STRONG> View tab: <BR> </ STRONG> <IMG alt="" src="PSD/connections.jpg"> </ P>

<P> </ P>

<P> Elements: </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> 1. Reads the information from the ini files and

updates the list of packages in the current frame. <BR> 2. Saves the log request packets

file name. <BR> <FONT color=#004a95> <FONT size=2> <STRONG> Disclaimer <BR> </ STRONG> When

activate item "<STRONG> Writing the ability to save RAW logs </ STRONG>" in

<STRONG> Options \ Advanced </ STRONG> next to this paragraph also appears

a "floppy" allows you to save RAW log. </ FONT> <BR> </ FONT> 3. Cleans

list of packages in the current frame. <BR> 4. Adds the current package in the filter. (All

Packages with the current type of displays the user will not be in the log package) <BR> 5. Removes

current package from the package list (no filtering, namely, deletes). <BR> 6.

Adds a package of claim 16 to make the menu. <BR> 7. When deactivated in the list

packages will not be otobrazhatsya packets going from <STRONG> server </ STRONG>. <BR> 8.

When deactivated in the package list will not be otobrazhatsya packets coming from

<STRONG> Client </ STRONG>. <BR> 9. When deactivated tracking the latest

who came to pack will be disabled (autoscroll). <BR> 10. When activated, the log

packets before autoclean will be saved automatically (Auto clear is

every 3000 packets, the number can be specified in the option MaxLinesInPktLog

options.ini (section general) <BR> 11. Opens the packet filter

(Optional / packet filter). <BR> 12. Show the displacement (offset) in

HEX / DEC <BR> 13. When set this disables Auto-frame when

loss of connection to which this frame is attached. subsequently be closed with

by paragraph 14. <BR> 14. Closes the current frame, and closes the connection to which

frame is attached (if it still exists). <BR> 15. Contains a list of

received / sent by the client with their serial number and type. <BR> 16.

Displays the selected package in claim 15 in HEX form. <BR> 17. Decoding Package

selected in paragraph 15 (which uses. ini files to determine the name and count

fields) <BR> 18. <STRONG> All that circled this frame is the "frame"

Connection </ STRONG>, depending on where it is created it can

absent certain tabs or buttons. <BR> 19. List of compounds

or open the log to establish a connection for which "define name"

tab is named after the connection. in other cases the name of the tab

described as follows: [interception type / log] # (connection ID / Name

log file) </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> <STRONG> Tab premise: </ STRONG> </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> Designed for manual sending a packet

(The package specified without first bytes long) to the server / client. </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> <STRONG> Appearance: </ STRONG> <BR> <IMG alt="" src="PSD/posilka.jpg"> <BR> </ P >

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> elements: </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> 1. Saves the current package (s) to file <BR> 2.

Loads the package (s) from the file. <BR> 3. Sending packages will be made toward

server. <BR> 4. Sending packages will be made in the client side <BR> 5. When

installed option, each line will be perceived as a separate

package. <BR> 6. Send in the specified direction. <BR> 7. The interval for sending

Timer <BR> 8. Activates a timer that sends this (e) the package (s) with

intervals guidance in paragraph 7. <BR> 9. Protects the frame from closing when

disconnection. <BR> 10. Closes the frame and connectedness with the connection. <BR> 11. list

packets to send <BR> 12. hex view of the package on the current line to claim 11. <BR> 13.

Detailed transcript package in claim 12. </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> <STRONG> Advanced tab: </ STRONG> </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> Contains script editor is bound

specifically for this compound. Unlike the basic script editor -

<STRONG> No procedures Init, Free </ STRONG>. <STRONG> Here just do not come

variables PCK </ STRONG>. Basically, there is checked whether the work

scripts on the server at all. the default contains the script sent to client

notification "Hello !!!"</ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> <FONT color=#ff0000> <STRONG> this tab

not designed to run FULL SCRIPTS <BR> Performing a full

script then generates an error. </ STRONG> </ FONT> </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> <STRONG> Appearance: </ STRONG> <BR> <IMG alt="" src="PSD/dopolnitelno.jpg"> </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> elements. </ P>

<P Style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" dir=ltr> 1. Saves the script file. <BR> 2. Loads

script from a file. <BR> 3. Runs the script. <BR> 4. Aborts

script. </ P> </ BODY>

</ Html>

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