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Server Rates


EXP: 250x

SP : 250x

Adena: 500x



Enchant Rate


-Enchant Max 25

-Enchant Safe 5

-Rate 66%

-Blessed 100%





-Fully working Olympiad

-New heroes every 2 weeks!

-Custom hero party buff





-Kill raid bosses to obtain "Zen Raid Master Seal" and use it to level up your clan and buy clan skills.

-Earn clan reputation points at Primeval Wharf. (Tyrannosaurus Claws) Drops Increased!



Custom Quests


-Paranassus Infestion (Level 1-30)

-Start Location: Vollodos (Parnassus New Player Spawn)

-Repeatable: No

-Reward 1,000,000 XP | 500,000 SP | 25,000,000 Adena | 100 Greater Healing Potion | 100 Mana Potion | Summon Toy Knight | 25 Scroll of Escape: Giran | 10 Scroll of Resurrection  



-Pagan War (Level 76-85)

-Start Location: Leopold (Inside Pagan Temple)

-Repeatable: Yes

-Reward: Adena Per Badge Collected | Pagan's Mark *Item needed to open Pagan Temple Door*

-Badges drop at 100% from Pagan Monsters and there is no limit to how many you can collect!

-Quest Information: Collect 100 badges by killing Pagan monsters and return them to Leopold to earn "Pagan's Mark". This will allow you to gain access to the rest of the Pagan Temple. Once you have the Pagan's Mark you can open the door by talking to one of the statues. Black crosses will drop from monsters deep inside the Pagan Temple.



Drop Information - Server Currency


-Gold Bar (Pagan Temple)

-Gold Einhasad (Valley of Saints)

-Silver Shilen (Valley of Saints)

-Blue Eva (Valley of Saints)



Other Drops


Giants Codex - (Valley of Saints)

Giants Codex - Mastery (Valley of Saints, Archaic Laboratory)

Elemental Stones - (Pagan Temple, Archaic Laboratory)

High Grade Life Stones - (Pagan Temple, Primeval Wharf)

Accessory Life Stones - (Pagan Temple)



L2Zen Raid Master - Seal


-Antharas - (Antharas Nest)

-Valakas - (Lair of Valakas)

-Baium - (ToI 14th Floor)

-Mr Tibbs - (Pagan Temple)




Giran Skill Merchant sells custom L2 Zen Skills


-Weight Limit 100x

-Boost hp +1000

-Fast hp recovery 10%

-Boost mp +1000

-Mana Recovery 10%

-Expert Casting +2% Casting -2% magic reuse

-Fast Recovery adds 5 HP MP CP recovery

-Boost attack speed +5%

-Quick Step +10 run speed



Raid Bosses


-Epic raid boss gatekeeper in Giran

-Respawn 3-4 hours

-Zen Raid Master Seal drops from all raids in the raid gatekeeper and Valley of Saints raids





- Max Subclasses 5

- Seven Signs seal of strike +40% Castle walls for Dawn, -40% for dusk

- Decreases NPC Animation for performance



Custom Items


- 10 levels of Bracelets

- 10 levels of Cloaks

- 10 levels of Fighter Shirts (+Patk)

- 10 levels of Mage Shirts (+Matk)

- 11 levels of Tattoos


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