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http://l2jportugal.com/ deite edw ti exei site

einai freya


exei vote reward


exei para pola ala  nmz exei ena problimataki sto loginserver kai gameserver gt kai emena kolaei ekei kai ama mporite na m peite kai emena ty

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Fanta sou ti pack einai kai exei apo tin prwti version error.File mou vazw stixima oti den exei fix tpt mesa sto pack...


1 version einai ti perimeneis :D
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Des kai monos sou file mou  oti einai tis  L2Universe


giati  kamia allh team to den exei kanei ayto


:: set JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20"
set JAVA_PATH=""

if NOT EXIST "%JAVA_HOME%"\lib\tools.jar GOTO check_path
goto je

if NOT EXIST %JAVA_PATH%\lib\tools.jar GOTO jne
goto je

echo     JAVA JDK not exists. 
echo     Set path to JAVA JDK into JAVA_PATH in this script file or 
echo     set JAVA_HOME variable into system variables.
goto end

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